Chapter 1

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A/N: Ok, so, not to confused anyone but this is just a memory from thirteen years ago so you can kind of see their relationship. Oh, and, Nikolai is a jerk, but he isn't a womanbeater. <3


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Thirteen years ago, 2017

"Hey, Niko." My ten-year-old self said in an annoying voice.

Thirteen-year-old Nikolai rolls his eyes and glares at me in disgust, but I sigh dreamily. "You're cute, Niko. I like you."

"I don't. Fuck off." Nikolai starts to walk away, and I follow him. He turns around and pushes me to the ground.


"Stop fucking following me, bitch."

"You're so dreamy."

Nikolai sneers at me. "And you're so fucking annoying. Leave me the fuck alone."

I smile at him. "Nope, I'm in loveeee with you."

Nikolai glares at me again and walks away.

I start to follow him, but my mother stops me. "Bellamy, stop bothering the poor boy."

I smile. "I'm not. I'm just trying to be friends."

My mother rolls her eyes. "Stop following him. He doesn't like it." She says before walking away.

*A week later*

I'm at the park with my older brothers, Benji and Bentley, Nikolai, and my little sister, Brandi. Benji went out with his college friends, Bentley went antisocial on the swings, Brandi was sliding down slides, and it was just Nikolai and me.

He has his AirPods on, and he's obviously trying to avoid talking to me. His face looks so perfect, though. I think I'm going to kiss him....just on the cheek.

And I did.

Stinging pain on my cheek was what I got.

Nikolai slapped me, and for a moment, he looked surprised or in defense mode even before giving his usual glare as I held my burning cheek, holding back my tears.

"Sor–you shouldn't have fucking touched me." He walks away.

No sorry?

*A week later*

Nikolai's leaving. His parents are staying in America, but he hates it here. The girls in his middle school almost jumped him. I give him his AirPods that he left in his guest room, and he snatches them from me.

I giggle. "Do you have to leave? Why are you leaving?"

Nikolai glares at me. "To escape from you."

I smile. "It's ok. You're just a shy person, and I get it."

Nikolai growls. "You're so fucking stupid, idiotic even. You have no brains for yourself. Even your little sister is smarter than you."

I ignore his comment. "My name is Bellamy. You've been here for two weeks, and you've never gotten my name right. It's not bitch. It's Bellamy."

He opens his mouth before closing it and groaning. "Your name is ugly and annoying." He turns and slams the door.


"Bellamy! Where's Nikolai?"

I pout. "He left."

Bentley sighs. "Bellamy scared him away. She's such a Yandere."

I stomp like a toddler. "I am not!"

Bentley just rolls his eyes.

"Bellamy, I told you to leave him alone. I couldn't even say goodbye to him."

I hmph and stomp towards my room.

I'm the one hurting the most. Nikolai's the love of my life.

sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ

ɪɴsᴛᴀ: Kalista_k or kalistawriteslol (I have two)

ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛ: ᴋᴀʟɪsᴛᴀᴡʀɪᴛᴇsʟᴏʟ

ᴛᴡɪᴛᴛᴇʀ: ʀᴍsᴡɪғᴇʏʟᴏʟ

ᴇᴍᴀɪʟ: ᴋᴀʟɪsᴛᴀᴀsᴜᴀᴍᴀʜ@ɢᴍᴀɪʟ

Word count: 483

Page length: 1-3

Y'all I promise Bellamy isn't like her ten-year-old self anymore.

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