Chapter 26

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After a while, I calm myself down, and we go back to the living room. Massimo lays there unconscious, and Farah makes us all go to the hospital because Benji was unresponsive, Brandi has cuts on her hands, and Winola's newborns and as well as the rest of the children are dealing with trauma and stress.

Even the voice in my head's quiet.

Not quiet, just shocked.

Nevermind then.

Farah sighs, bringing me some coffee. "Here you go. I know you're not going to rest anytime soon, so at least help your body."

I sniff, wiping some of my tears. "Thank you." I take a sip of the coffee. "I appreciate–" I turn around and puke on the floor, gasping for breath afterward. "Oh shit." I groan.

Farah holds my hair back. "Oh lordy."

A nurse comes up to me. "Miss, are you ok?"

I nod. "I'm sorry, it was the coffee."

"The coffee?" Farah asks.

The nurse nods. "Maybe you should go up to the obstetrics and gynecologist floor."

I wave her off. "Oh no, I'm fine–"

"Bellamy, let's go check," Farah suggests.

I groan.

I'm not pregnant...I literally lost my baby two months ago.


After peeing in a cup and handing it over, I waited a few moments with Farah, bragging about how she was wrong about me being pregnant. The doctor called, and we had a little conversation before she popped the news.

"I can't be."

"You're perfectly healthy and able to carry children." The doctor states, confused about what I meant.

I shake my head. "I lost my baby two months ago. It's too quick; my body should be in a cooling period, right?"

The doctor sighs. "Well, how many times did you and your partner have sexual intercourse?"

I scoff in disbelief. "After two weeks, we were doing it almost every day."

Nikolai has amazing stamina....too much, actually.

It's worrying.

It is.

"Well, this isn't impossible, and you haven't been using protection. As long as you had no trouble getting pregnant, I don't see a reason why you can't get pregnant again."

I shake my head. "I....Jesus, what was I thinking? I thought the poison had cut off my abilities for some time. Plus, I didn't get symptoms until now."

"Well, based on your report two months ago, you didn't know you were pregnant last time. This might be a frequent thing for you...late symptoms, I mean."

I groan. "Thank you so much, doctor. I'll be on my way."

The doctor nods. "I'll send the nurse some prescriptions for prenatal vitamins."


I can never do things right on time. This is the second time I've gotten pregnant at the wrong time.


Farah and I had a serious conversation about the baby and how I'm going to go about going to the place they have Nikolai and Bentley. We visited Winola on the infantry floor, and thankfully, the babies are ok; she said she'll join us in Massimo's room.

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