Chapter 10 🔥

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I was impatiently waiting for Bellamy. She was taking so damn long. We have people after us.

Olive pats my arm. "Dear, she's on her way."

I sigh. "I know."

I knew if I told Bellamy, she'd have to have bodyguards, she'd have them stumped and runoff by herself, and then I would have to find her myself, which would put her in more danger.

Olive gestured to the chair. "Sit down, dear."


Bellamy barges in, sniffling and crying. She doesn't glance at us; she storms into the room and never even talks to us.

I stand up. Why the hell is she crying?

"Dear, please, go there for comfort. No matter how stupid it may sound and no matter how serious it is, stay with her."

I nod and rush into the bathroom. She's still crying. I don't like this fucking feeling. The feeling of her crying hurts. "Bellamy, what's wrong?"

Bellamy shakes her head. "It's stupid."

I force her body to face me, and she buries her face in my chest. "I don't care. Tell me, or we're going to stand here until you do."

Bellamy shakes her head. "These people came in, and the woman–she had given birth to a boy, and they had a little girl, and when they gave the baby to her, she said, 'mommy, why is the little baby not breathing like me?'" Bellamy blows a shaky breath. "Nikolai, the baby, died in his sister's arms, and his parents trusted us to ensure that the baby came out safe and stayed alive."

"That's why you're crying?"

Bellamy sobs loudly. "I couldn't stand the faces of the parents and the little girl when they found out that their son died only five hours after being born. The baby didn't get to crawl or walk or remember his sister and parents. The girl will always remember her little brother dying in her arms because we didn't do our fucking jobs right."

I listen quietly.

Bellamy's got a big heart because I couldn't care less about someone else's children, but she does.

"Bellamy, I'm sorry."

Bellamy laughs sadly. "I'm glad you're sorry."

I ignore her comment. "How'd the baby die?"

Bellamy starts to cry again. "Sepsis. The doctor couldn't detect it until after the baby's death." Bellamy sniffs. "If I had just paid more attention."

"Don't. It's not your fault. If the doctor couldn't detect it with the machines or whatever, you wouldn't have."

Bellamy blows a shaky breath. "I'm not becoming a doctor to see babies die."

I caress her face. "There's nothing you can do when you can't help people fight death."

I honestly don't know if I did shit. That was so fucking cringy, but Bellamy hugs me a little tighter, so I guess I did something.

"Thank you."

"Do you want to work somewhere else?"

Bellamy pulls away from me. "No, I love my job. It's just my first time seeing someone die."

I nod and plop onto the bed, already forgetting about the dead baby and remembering our deal. A cake for some action in lingerie.

She looks sexy in scrubs, too. Now I'm questioning if I want her in lingerie or in scrubs. That ass shows nicely in scrubs.

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