Chapter 12

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"Olive, can I ask a question that I know Nikolai wouldn't answer."

Olive smiles at me. "Yes, anything. I know Nikolai doesn't share much."

I nod and take a seat on the couch next to Olive.

Nikolai literally took a nap on my lap while I was working on assignments, so I just tucked him in and went to talk to Olive.

"I noticed that Nikolai's siblings weren't there at the cake tasting."

Olive furrows her brows. "Siblings?"

I also furrow my brows. "His half-siblings."

Olive shushes me. "Bellamy, Nikolai was kept from his siblings for a reason. He doesn't really remember anything when he was five, but Aleksei made the decision not to have his blood children anywhere near Nikolai when he was taken by Vladimir. Nikolai knows of his blood father, and they are relatively close, but he doesn't know that Aleksei, his other father figure, essentially wants nothing to do with him."

I stand up. "That's absolute bullshit! How could he–?"

Olive pulls me back down. "Please, it's understandable. Nikolai is a dangerous person. Nobody knows what he thinks or if he actually cares about them."

I yank myself out of Olive's hold. "I can't believe you, Miss Olive."

I barge into the room, making Nikolai jerk awake and taking his gun, cocking it at me.

I fell back. "Nikolai, it's me." I cry out.

"Oh shit."

Nikolai helps me up, and I pull away from him, half angry, half scared, and cross my arms.

"I'm sorry, you opened the door like you were about to attack." Nikolai apologizes.

"I was about to attack you with questions," I admit. "I'm baffled about everything."

Nikolai sits on the bed and sighs. "Bellamy–"

"No, Nikolai, why am I being married to you?"

Nikolai furrows his brows. "You don't want to be married to me?"

I heave a frustrated breath. "It's not a matter if I want or don't want to marry you. It's why I'm the one being married to you. I have no value, no money, no experience. I'm a liability in the way of your work. What happens if you get hurt because I couldn't defend myself? Or when the time comes, and I want a family, just more liabilities. Our lives aren't compatible, and I have nothing to offer you. So why?"

"Do I need my wife to offer me something in order to marry her?"

I groan. "Nikolai, I can't hold a gun. I can't kill. Goddamn it, I'm going to work at a hospital."

"Make it fucking simple, Bellamy. Do you want me or not?"

I narrow my eyes. "I do want you."

"I want you too, Bellamy, see, solved."

"But why were we arranged to marry?"

Nikolai rolls his eyes. "Go fucking ask your parents."

"But why can't you tell me?!"

Nikolai growls. "Because it's not my fucking place, fucking hell."

I scoff. "Well then, get dressed, husband. We need to have a talk with my parents."

Nikolai loudly groans like a child before getting up and purposely bumping into my shoulder to get to the closet.

What in the world?

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