Chapter 15

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For past readers, I edited some of this to make more sense.

"You're lying!" Xami shouts angrily. "You're fucking lying!" Xami shouts even louder, sobering Brandi and Farah.

"Merde." (Shit) Brandi exclaims.

"What's wrong with her?" Farah says, absolutely horrified.

"Is it fucking true?! Who the fuck is Ken?!" Xami's face has turned completely red.

Winola shrinks back. "Xami....Xami, I'm so sorry. Please, let's talk later when you're calm."

Xami slaps the drinks off the table. "No! You bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

My eyes widened. "Xami, no, she's pregnant!"

Xami literally runs across the table.

"Call the police!"

"Xami, you animal!"


"Um, there was a little confrontation where um, someone spilled a secret, and she went berserk," I tell officer Jenkins.

Officer Jenkins nods. "Can you tell me about this secret?"

Brandi and I look at each other.

"Um, I was a little drunk, and she said something about me, and she was getting on my last nerve, so I accidentally told her that Winola and her boyfriend are actually together."

"And she was about to attack Winola, but Farah jumped in the way."

Officer Jenkins nods. "Ok, so you do realize that your friend will be charged with assault? A man by the name of Benji DuPont claims to be Farah's husband, and he says they'll be pressing charges."

Brandi and I stand up. "Benji's here!" We both say.

"Can we see him?" Brandi asks.

The officer nods. "Right this way."

Farah jumped between Xami and Winola, essentially protecting her. Xami broke Farah's arm, and Winola's blood pressure rose, so they're at the hospital. Winola will be discharged in a few hours, and Farah will have to be on bed rest; apparently, ever since her last pregnancy, she's been dealing with back problems, and now she has a broken hand. This is not how I wanted my bachelorette party to go.

Fair skin, brown hair, the most unmistakable brown eyes I've ever seen, finger tats, and very tall. Welcome my older brother, Benji. Unlike us, Benji's entirely French, and you know, we used to be close, but he just stopped talking to us, and he'd always hesitate to let us come to his house.

It kinda hurts, you know.

"Benji," Brandi says, smiling.

Benji's eyes widened before going back to normal. "Hi."

Brandi scoffs. "All these months and all you say is hi?"

Benji shrugs. "I saw, um, Bellamy, I think, in January or February."

"Nigga that was eight months ago," Brandi yells. "You abandoned us because we didn't have the same mother!"

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? How do you think I feel when my big brother, the man who taught me how to read when I was having trouble, decides to leave because our mothers are two different people."

I sigh. "Brandi, you're drunk. You need to calm down."

Brandi nods and walks away. Leaving an awkward moment for Benji and me.

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