Chapter 28

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My stress levels in the car were high, and I was trying to calm down, but yet again, my stomach was hurting so bad from anticipation.

Both of us could get killed.

I shouldn't think like that, I made him promise he'd stay alive, and I need to protect my baby. We both need to stay alive; there is so much we need to do, so much we have to live for....we can't die.

I arrived at the address in five minutes...this the best they could do? A run-down barn.

Ew, there's a spider!

Disappointed, to say the least. They could've done better with the way they acted all dangerous and stuff in the cameras.

I sigh, knocking on the door dramatically until two armed men open the door. They're huge and have the same face tattoos that Diego has.

One of them chuckles. "Y él dijo que ella no vendría." (And he said she wouldn't come.)

The other one smiles, pulling me into the smelly barn.

Holy shit, I need to puke.

Keep it in.

"Jefe, ella está aquí."(boss, she is here.)

I hear a deep chuckle before I'm thrown into the middle.

Nikolai's nose flares. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Diego chuckles, helping me up, but I yank my arm away. "Don't touch me." I snarl.

"Feisty, aren't we?" I don't pay attention to him. I look at Nikolai.

His face.... why is there blood?

Where are Bentley and the rest of them?

I walk up to him and lightly touch his face. "Oh, Nikolai, what did they do to you?"

"Bells, what the fuck are you doing? You're not supposed to be here."

I sigh. "You really expect me not to come for you? Nikolai, I thought you were smart."


Diego yanks me away from him, observing me. "You seem bigger than the last time I saw you, cariño." (Sweetheart.) I try to yank away from him, but he holds me tighter.

"Leave me alone, asshole."

Diego scoffs. "Are you preñada?" (Pregnant)

"No, she's not." Nikolai answers for me.

Yes, she is.

Be quiet.

"Shut up. My mother was pregnant sixteen times. I know when someone's pregnant," Diego smirks at me. "Your puta is pregnant, Nikolai. Oh, I'm going to have fun with her."

Nikolai struggles in his restraints. "Don't fucking touch her."

Liam comes out. "I heard Bellamy's here–" Diego's man shoots him, a clear shot in the head. I look down, not wanting to witness that.

Fuck, how much time left....I need you, Massimo, come on.

Xami runs in, screaming. "Diego! Why did you do that?!"

Diego smirks. "Don't worry, baby, he was planning to kill us. You only need me in this world."

Xami takes some deep breaths, nodding softly. "Ok."

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