Chapter 23 🔥

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𝐏𝐥𝐬 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 😉

thank you so much for 400 reads!!

"Are you sure he's coming?" Winola paces around in the airport.

Nikolai pays no attention to anyone; he continues to type on his phone in anger as Bentley and Brandi try to calm Winola.

"Yes, he'll be here in a couple of minutes."

"By himself? Is Sam coming too? Who's supervising him?"

Bentley gives Winola a cute cuddle hug. "Winnie, calm down. He's safe."

"Yea," Brandi agrees. "We know what he looks like."

Winola nods into Bentley's chest. "What if....he hates me because I wasn't there for him."

I roll my eyes. "He's not going to hate you. According to Sam, Cillian's been waiting to meet you."

"Isn't that him?" Nikolai points to a perplexed boy, wondering around.

Someone should've come with him; he could have gotten kidnapped. How dumb is Sam?

"Cillian!" I call out, watching him turn to look at me and watch straight down.

He's so cute.

Look at his afro!

Look at his shorts!

"Hi, do you know where my mommy is?" He asks quietly.

I smile. "Yea, I do. She's right there." I point to Winola.

Winola smiles, trying to keep her feelings in check as Cillian rushes over to her and hugs her. "I've been waiting forever for you, mommy! Dad said that you were saving us from bad guys, so you couldn't come visit me. I'm glad you're done fighting bad guys."

Winola laughs audibly, keeping her tears in check, and holds onto Cillian's hand. "I can tell you how much I missed you." Winola hugs him again, finally letting a tear go.

"You're not disappointed?"

Winola shakes her head. "Never." She kisses his cheek. "Guess what?"

"What?" Cillian asks with curiosity.

Winola sniffs, wiping her tears and smiling. "While mommy was away, she had more babies. Are you ready to meet your little siblings?"

Cillian beams. "I'm a big brother?! Again?! Yay!"

Winola smiles and holds out her hand. "Let's go meet them then."


Cillian is an angel, he absolutely loves his younger siblings. He's taking turns holding each baby, playing with them, and just being around them. He has a slight accent and I can't tell you how cute it is. He's also very curious of Nikolai, looking at his tattoos, piercings, and huge frame.

I can't tell you how much I laughed when he said, 'Mister, why are you so large? Did you eat too much whiskey truffles?' Nikolai was clearly upset and confused about what a whiskey truffle is.

Cillian told us a whiskey truffle is a 'yummy treat that daddy told me not to eat because it had nasty grown-up medicine but it was chocolate so I stole some, daddy lied, it was yummy.'

He's so cute I swear, he even had Nikolai smiling a couple of times, trying to stifle his laughter.

Brandi was also a victim of his questioning. 'Why is your hair so colorful? Did you paint it?' He asked, erupting laughter from everyone.

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