Chapter 29

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I thought I was gonna die. I wanted to. Bellamy wanted to give herself away to keep me alive. She's so fucking stupid. I don't want to live knowing my Bellamy is in the arms of another man just to save me. When Diego pulled out his gun, I closed my eyes, content and happy with my life. Bellamy's gonna have my kid, I love her, and now I'm dying a happy man. I heard her scream out, and then the gun fired.....but I didn't feel shit. In fact, I was still breathing.

Bellamy was on the floor with her blood pooling around her.

If I didn't feel threatened to cry earlier, I do now.

"No...No, Bells." The pain in my chest...the fear of her dying in front of me... it's killing me, and I can't move.

Diego sighs. "Another good fuck....gone." He shrugs, fucking shrugs. "Oh well." He lifts the gun up again. "Still have to kill you."

"Fuck you, Diego. I'll kill you, I'll fucking murder you!" I growl out. "Fuck! Let me out, this bitch." I struggle in the rope, bruising my arms.

Who gives a wife is bleeding at my feet.

"Burn in hell, Nikolai–" A bullet shoots through Diego's head.


Xami screams. "No! Diego, my baby, don't go–" Another shot, right in her head as her eyes roll back.

Colt 1911.

"Сынок." (Son) A voice rasps out.

There's no way....

"Father? How-"

"Don't worry about that," He cuts off my restraints. "Worry about her." He stares at a dumbstruck Winola, looking down at an unconscious Bentley. "Are you going to help him, девушка, or are you going to watch him die?" (girl)

Winola immediately jumps into action, carrying Bentley out.

I kneel down and face her up; she's still fucking breathing.

"Bells, I'm sorry, I'm so damn sorry."

She cries through her labored breathing. "Nikolai, my stomach hurts."

"I know; we're going to help you, I promise."

Bellamy shakes her head softly. "If..." She coughs out some more blood. "If you have a choice, choose the baby. Please."

"No, Bellamy, you can't ask me that."


"Open your eyes...Bells, open your goddamn eyes!"

"Yelling at her won't help this girl survive." My father states.

Winola comes back in. "Bentley's going to the hospital.

"Where the fuck is Massimo?!"

"There's a shootout not too far down here where Diego's men are. Massimo and his men are occupied. We need to get Bellamy to a hospital before it reaches here."

I nod.

Don't die on me, Bells, or I'll blow up the fucking don't want innocent people to die, right?


It's been two days, Death, Rough eye, Brains, my other men, and Massimo are still fighting off Diego's men. Bellamy's in the ICU with no sign of waking up, and my dad's been hiding from the FBI. To say I'm stressed is an understatement.

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