Chapter 33: Epilogue part three

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Epilogue part three: 16 years later, after Julius was born.

I sigh, taking the macaroni and cheese out of the oven. "Julius, a MIR? Seriously?"

Julius shrugs. "Ms. Derek's a bitch. She's mad that she's a fifty-year-old virgin."

I arch my brow. "And you're not a virgin? You're sixteen, young man."

Cesar snorts. "Ma, you know damn well." He starts laughing. "Julius ain't no virgin."

I know Cesar's a virgin.

He's fourteen.

That won't stop Nikolai's children unless he's a lazy ass, like my boy Cesar.

I look at Nikolai with a stern look. "Nikolai, do you see your children?"

Nikolai furrows his brows. "I don't like any one of them."

"Dad, stop playing. We know you are in love with us."

Nikolai just snorts.

"No, he's not. He's in love with me only. I'm his only daughter." My ten-year-old daughter, Victoria, saunters over and sits on Nikolai's lap.

Nikolai smirks. "That's right." He pinches her nose.

Gideon and Ares sit down on a stool near the island. "No one but dad likes your ugly ass," Ares says, rolling his eyes as his brothers chuckle.

You would think that Victoria's practically guarded, having four brothers, sixteen, fourteen, thirteen, and eleven, but none of my four sons give a shit about their little sister. They'd tell her to suck it up if a boy broke her heart.

Maybe even congratulate the boy that managed to get through Victoria's expensive heart.

I roll my eyes. "Julius, I swear to god, if you make me a grandmother at thirty-nine, I will kill you. Now give me the damn paper so I can sign it. Cesar, do me a favor and go to the store. Buy some drinks." I hand him twenty dollars as he groans. "Appropriate drinks."

"Ok, ma, I got you."

"I mean it, Cesar!" I call after him.


I turn to Ares and Gideon. "Ares, apologize to your sister. You have to respect women. You can't just go around saying a girl is ugly."

Ares rolls his eyes. "I do respect women, mama. I think you're beautiful."

"Back the fuck off, Ares." Nikolai glares at him.

"Sorry, dad, I forgot mama's yours." He says sarcastically. Ares looks over at Victoria, who's waiting for an apology. "Sorry, but you'll always be a bitch to me."

Victoria rolls her eyes. "I won't stoop to your level." She flips her hair back, hitting Nikolai in the face.

Victoria is beautiful. She has my brown skin and her dad's blue eyes.

My beautiful and only queen.

"Thank you." I turn to Gideon, my eleven-year-old son.

"Gideon, next time you're on your game until four am, I'm confiscating it. I don't want your teachers to call me concerned about your sleep."

Gideon looks me right in the eyes. He likes to do that. He has central heterochromia, which means the inner ring of his iris is brown, and the outer area is blue, like his father's eyes. "Ma, come on, that's none of the teacher's business. I still get good grades."

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