Chapter 5

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Pictures in this chapter aren't the actual characters. 🤭
(Y'all said the previous outfit was ugly so I changed it. Hope you like it)

Pls vote and comment! 😉

Rewritten a bit.


Someone's on my bed this fine morning, disturbing my peaceful sleep by jumping like a toddler on Christmas Day.

"Wake up, wake up!" Xami screams.

I groan in annoyance. "What?"

"Your mom is hereeeee."

I jerk in my bed in annoyance. "What does she want?!'

Xami sits down next to me and laughs at my reaction. "She's here with some blue-eyed hunk."


"Goddamn it." I fly off my bed. "Tell them I'll be right there."

Xami raises an eyebrow before nodding and leaving.

I quickly brush my teeth, take a shower, do my makeup and throw everything around in my closet to find a green, laced-up front, short dress. I put it on and try to brush the nappy-ness out of my hair.

 I put it on and try to brush the nappy-ness out of my hair

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I put it on and try to brush the nappy-ness out of my hair.

Why couldn't I have some of my father's luscious Caucasian hair?

(It's a joke. Calm the fuck down.)

I fluff out my hair in an Afro and walk out.

I immediately met my mother in the living room. I look for Nikolai, but I guess he's in the dining room.

"Finally. What did I tell you about sleeping in? As a woman, you need to wake up early."

I roll my eyes. "Mother, I have school throughout the week. When I get a chance, I sleep."

"Vous voulez être irrespectueuse?" (Want to be disrespectful?)

I shake my head. "Non, mère" (No, mother.)

My mom nods in contentment. "Well, I'm leaving. You and Nikolai need to tell your friends about your marriage."

I scoff. So she knew about this arrangement.

"Nikolai told you yesterday, right?"


"Don't ask questions right now. Nikolai's in the dining room."

I nod and walk with a little too much excitement to the dining room.

"Winola, are you making eggs?" Xami squeals.

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