Chapter 7

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I double uploaded today! Don't forget to vote or comment or both ;)

TW: Rape and sex trafficking are mentioned

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I wake up feeling relatively comfy and somewhat protected. I snuggle into my covers and into someone else. I then realize there's an arm looped around my waist, groping my boobs.


I scoff and yank up, waking him up in the process. "Nikolai, have you no shame?!"

Nikolai rolls his eyes. "Why are you yelling? Can you come back to bed, wife?"

I scoff. "No, because it is unfortunate to you that you have me as your wife. I apologize for not meeting your expectations."

Nikolai's eyes flicker open. "I'm trying to apologize–"

"Don't worry, Nikolai, I'm not upset."

You can't cuddle me and expect me to forgive you.

Nikolai furrows his brows. "Then come back to bed."

I shake my head. "No, no, no. Just because I'm not upset doesn't mean you don't get punished."

Nikolai groans. "What do you want? To punch me? Choke me? Money? A new car?"

I giggle. I have an idea. Since he was touching all up on me, I'll punish him well. "Nikolai, we're not having sex until you learn to apologize and mean it."

Nikolai's blue orbs turn into a darker shade. "What the fuck?"

"Yep. I know you were planning to have a quickie when I woke up. You really have no filter, grabbing on my boobs when I'm sleeping." I scold him.

Nikolai shrugs. "Fine, I'm not talking to you anymore."

My jaw drops as Nikolai refuses to look at my gaze like a little girl and walks out of the bedroom. I hear the master bedroom door slam.

I know this grown Russian mafia man did not give me a 4-year-old girl attitude.

I quickly get ready for the day and walk into the kitchen where Olive was making cheesy scrambled eggs.

"Oh! Hello dearie! What happened to Nikolai?"

I wave her off. "Oh, nothing. Why?"

"I saw him barge into his room and slam the door."

"I just suggested abstinence for the time being."

Olive laughs as she puts eggs on my plate. "Well, whatever for?"

I shrug. "Whatever happened last night, he took his anger out on me. This is his punishment." I sigh. "I am trying to be....patient. We haven't even started, and he, well, says hurtful things."

Olive takes my hands. "Dear—"

"I know, miss Olive. He didn't mean it, I know, because he went out of his way to find to sleep in the guest room with me. But he needs to learn he can't hurt me and then cuddle and have sex with me as an apology."

Olive smiles. "This, my dear, is what Nikolai needs to hear, not me."

I nod. "Ok—"

A device on the counter chimes, showing my mother and Mrs. Semenov at the door.

"Oh, let me get that!" Olive waddles over to the door as I run through the delicious cheesy eggs.


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