Chapter 6

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Nikolai's house–correction mansion was beautiful.

The exterior and interior designs were industrial. I love it—the modern, minimalist, industrial look in a mansion. The stairs had black pipe railings and wooden pieces! Oh, lord, it's beautiful, but Nikolai's been living here by himself..... why the hell does he need thirteen rooms?

"Nikolai, you have thirteen rooms. I'm not sleeping in your bedroom."

Nikolai scoffs. "Those bedrooms aren't meant for grown women."

I furrow my brows. "What does that even mean?"

"It means I plan to have thirteen delinquents running around here someday."

I laugh and laugh hard. "Thirteen children–wit–with who?!"

"My beautiful wife."

"I love the compliment, but over my dead body will I have thirteen children."

Nikolai takes my bags out of my hands. "I was joking."

I cross my arms. "Then you need to learn how to joke. Has the mafia taken all your human senses?"

Nikolai side-eyes me. "Olive will help you pack your stuff."

A short woman with graying hair and piercing brown eyes appears on cue.

She smiles. "Hello, Mrs. Semenov. I am Olive, your new housekeeper."

I blush. "Oh, um, you can call me Bellamy or Bella–"

"No." Nikolai interrupts. "No one calls you Bella but me. Understand?"

I sigh and nod. "Yes, father." I joke.

Nikolai sneers at me before taking a call and gesturing for Olive to take my stuff.

"So, tell me about Nikolai. How long have you worked for him?"

Olive smiles widely while folding some of my clothes into a dresser. "I've seen Nikolai come out of the womb."

My eyes widen. "Oh, wow." I quickly push my panties and bra into a drawer before the old lady thinks badly of me. "Then it must be a surprise and somewhat shocking to you how he turned out."

Olive sighs sadly. "No, it is not. Come let me tell you a little bit about the Semenovs." Olive takes my hands into hers and sits me down. "About twenty-seven years ago, Nikolai's mother ran from the bratva."

I furrow my brows. "Bratva?"

"The Russian mafia, dear."

I nod, and she continues. "That is how she met Aleksei Semenov. Nikolai isn't a Semenov by blood but a Romanov. His mother, Alina, had an affair with Vladimir Romanov, a mafia boss, and fell pregnant. Of course, Alina was afraid of being killed because of this unwanted pregnancy and left. Alina fell in love and married Aleksei Semenov and gave Nikolai his name. Nikolai has other siblings, but they are only half-siblings, and he doesn't remember any of them. When Vladimir Romanov found out about Nikolai and how his mother gave him another man's name, he became enraged. He broke into the house, tied us all up, and demanded he had his son back. At the time, Nikolai was five, and Romanov threatened to kill the other children, so Alina and Aleksei gave him off to Romanov, with me by his side. I watched him do ungodly things at a young age. I saw him lose all emotions. He didn't smile; rather, he couldn't anymore. They trained these people to have no remorse, but you see it when they can't laugh or smile anymore when they stop talking to friends and isolate themselves." Tears flood Olive's face.

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