Chapter 31: Epilogue part one🔥

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Double update!!!

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Epilogue part one: 18 months later.

Julius Vladimir Romanov was what we called our son nine months ago when he was born. Nikolai said he looked like a Julius, and I thought Julius suited our little baby boy as well. We named him after Nikolai's father after he randomly showed up to meet his grandson despite the dangers of being caught.

Alina also came by without Aleksei, and even though Nikolai doesn't like her, he let her hold Julius for precisely twenty minutes before kicking her out.

Even though Julius was in me for nine months, making me suffer, he decided that looking like his father was the way to go. The only thing he got from me was the kinkiness of his rather black hair and his blue eyes resembling his father's.

Brandi and Ivan decided to finally start dating and stop hooking up all the time. I can't tell you how proud Winola, Farah, and I are. She's been much happier with a guy who's nicknamed 'Death.'

Winola and Bentley are also going strong. Their quadruplets are one year old. They'll be two in a matter of time, Cillian's ten now, and he's quite the socialite. He loves school and is Winola's personal babysitter for the one-year-olds. I can't believe I'm saying this but.... Bentley's actually a great father, he taught Cillian how to play Fortnite, and he's homeschooling the babies to get them ready for preschool, I thought that was so cute, but when I asked him if he could do the same for Julius, he quickly shut me down.

What an ass.

Benji and Farah actually emigrated to France a while back. They wanted to start fresh, and Benji's mother is sick, and he wants to be with her through her last moments. Their children, Fairy and Silas, are attending therapy, and Cillian is also because they still have nightmares about the gunfight that happened a year ago.

Massimo...ah, Massimo. Massimo's ecstatic. He's been such an excellent godfather to Julius, even though he spoils him a little too much. He acts as if every month is Julius's birthday, and honestly, Nikolai's getting tired of seeing Massimo every day.

Today, Julius is nine months; he's a big boy and a lively one too. He likes to talk gibberish, laugh at unnecessary things and spit at people. I hope he gets rid of that habit, but either way, I'm happy he's not a people hater like Nikolai.

"Massimo, you can't keep giving him new toys every month," I say, putting Julius in his playpen.

"Why not, chica?"

"Because there's not a day where I don't step on a fucking toy," Nikolai answers, clearly annoyed.

Massimo winces. "Sounds like it hurts."

Nikolai scoffs. "Maybe I should hurt you to demonstrate what I feel right now."

I sigh. "Massimo, it's much appreciated, but Julius doesn't take care of his toys. He likes to bite off the heads, throw the legos at people, and rip the steering wheel off the car you gave him."

Massimo smiles. "Such a strong man."

"Nine months old." I remind him. "He's becoming violent with the toys you give him."

Massimo shrugs. "Well, that's just in the genes. I mean, look at Nikolai. He always threatens to hurt me and shoots me in the leg."

Nikolai rolls his eyes. "If you didn't touch my fucking wife, you wouldn't have been shot."

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