Chapter 17

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It's our last day, and we went to the city. Who knew the UK had a skyzone?

The past few days have been sexy, fun, and cute. Nikolai and I played tag in the Scottish highland plains. I let Nikolai explore different types of sexual activities with me, never thought I would like anal. I snuggled with Nikolai for two days watching the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. I've seen such a cute side of Nikolai. He even brought me breakfast in bed because I couldn't walk.

AHHH, he's gonna kill me one day.

I flip on the trampolines. "Nikolai, jump with me!"

Nikolai watches, stone-faced with his hands crossed on his chest. "No."

I giggle as I jump continuously. "You look like my father." I tease.

Nikolai sighs and takes off his shoes. "Fine."

Nikolai jumps onto my trampoline, making me fly off it and land on another one. "Nikolai!"

Nikolai covers his smile, trying not to laugh. "Whoops."

I jump over to his trampoline and jump on him, making him fall back on his ass with me on his lap.

It was all fun and giggles until Nikolai, and I ran around skyzone like two kids trying to prank each other. We were looked at like weirdos, but it was still fun.


After skyzone, we flew to France, where we had the most sex, we didn't come out of the hotel until our last day there, and we went to the Eiffel Tower, Musée du Louvre, Château de Versailles, and the Alsace Villages after I begged. I wanted to go to the Loire Valley Châteaux and the Notre Dame, but Nikolai thought it was more fun to go back to the hotel and fuck the natural daylights out of me.

Then after that, we flew to Russia. We went to Kizhi Island, Moscow Kremlin, and the Hermitage Museum. I see why my dad liked to travel...or was it because he had mafia business? Whatever the reason, I can totally see why.

On our last day, we spent it in the hotel. There's been something that's been up my ass besides Nikolai's dick. It's Nikolai's siblings. I told him that we couldn't keep secrets, but I didn't know how to tell him about this. I've been a real inconsiderate, hypocritical asshole, and I know it, so I'm going to tell him what Olive told me.

I sigh as Nikolai comes out of the bathroom. "Nikolai, I need to...tell you something."

Nikolai furrows his brows. "What?"

"It's serious, and I should have told you a while ago."

Nikolai raises a confused eyebrow now. "Spill it out, for fucks sakes."

I sigh. "Um, I noticed that your siblings weren't at the cake tasting–"

"I don't have–"

"Just wait, Nikolai." I hold my hand up. "I asked Olive because I didn't want to ask and upset you." I exhale. "She told me that you don't remember your siblings, and Aleksei wanted to keep it that way. He basically thinks you're a sociopath, and he's too afraid to let you near his own blood kids. Your mom agreed because she didn't want to fight."

Nikolai's jaw clenches. "Are you—"

Nikolai's phone starts to ring, and he picks it up.



"Какого хрена ты хочешь?" (What the fuck do you want?) I answer, I'm so confused, and that pisses me the fuck off, and then someone fucking calls me on my fucking honeymoon.

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