Chapter 20

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After the fiasco with Winola's mother, Velma, I contacted Sam, who was happy to meet up. He was delighted to give his son, who he named Cillian, to Winola. Something about his three other children bullying Cillian for his different appearance.

Cillian's flying from Ireland to New Jersey in two months. I'm so excited, and I can't wait to see him, but before we do that, I want Nikolai to talk to his parents and get to know his siblings.

We're having dinner with them, and I can't stop thinking about what Mr. Semenov, Aleksei, thinks about Nikolai and what his mom agreed to do in order to stay married.

I don't really want to decide for him if he should cut them off, but how they think of him is sad. That's his mother.

"Bellamy, when do you plan on having children?" Alina asks.

I look at Nikolai, but he's stone-faced. I've been carrying this whole dinner by myself.

"Um, I don't want to plan it. It'll happen on its own."

Nikolai snaps towards me. "You stopped taking birth control?"

"Nikolai!" Alina scolds. "You don't plan on being a father anytime soon?"

Nikolai grimaces. "No. I hate children."

I scoff. "That's up to me to decide."

"Yea, ok."

Bitch, what's with the attitude?

"Nikolai, that isn't any way to treat your wife." Aleksei finally speaks up.

"It doesn't matter."

Excuse me.

"And you know that because you hid my siblings from me. Because I'm dangerous, right?"

Alina clears her throat as Aleksei looks away. "Son–"

"No, you don't get to call me that. You want absolutely nothing to do with me."

Alina shakes her head. "No, it isn't true. Just... Look at what you do. It's dangerous–"

"Don't forget you gave me away. Father treated me more human than my own mom. All of you seem to tread carefully around me like I'm some kind of monster."

"Nikolai, you kill people."

"I kill men who sell drugs to children, people who kill for pleasure, rapists, sex traffickers, people who are actually evil. I'm no vigilante, but that's the people who ruin business."

"Um, I think we should go." I try to take Nikolai's hand, but he retracts it.

"Don't fucking touch me."

My eyes widen as Nikolai storms out.

"Are you ok?" Alina asks.

"Does he hurt you?"

I stand up and glare at both of them. "Are you serious? He's not the person you think he is."

I quickly walk out of the house. I don't want Nikolai to drive off without me.


"Nikolai, do you think that you going off me was ok?"

Nikolai takes some whiskey from the cabinet and pours himself some. "I wasn't fucking going off you."

I scoff. "Stop cursing at me."

"I always curse at you, Bellamy. What the fuck do you want from me?" Nikolai yells, taking a swig of whiskey from the bottle.

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