Chapter 27

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This all happened because I fell in love. I swore to fucking god that I wouldn't fall in love and some hazel-eyed, brown-skinned goddess fell into my world.

I fucking hate this shit.

The one thing that would never have me captured is what I've been captured

The same love that betrayed dad and got him where he is now....his personal solitary confinement....why? Because my mother betrayed him because she was scared of him....not because she loved Aleksei, she was scared while my dad loved her.

He should've killed doesn't matter what I think of my mother. She never cared for me, only cared about pleasing that ass, Aleksei.

"Finally, I've finally caught the 'unbeatable' Russian, Nikolai Semenov–oh my bad, Romanov." Diego chuckles.

Liam Goldsberry smiles weirdly. "I hope you gave Bellamy the address."

"Don't worry, I did," Xami smirks. "By the looks of it, she's gonna come."

I snort. "Shiver me timbers, Xami. You are so scary now." I mock, chuckling to myself, earning a slap.

"I don't understand...why are you doing this?" Bentley asks groggily.

Xami smiles. "You cheated on me. You're lucky those babies aren't yours. I would've killed them."

I see what they did...Xami's a dumbfucking bitch.

Bentley furrows his brows. "They are–"

I kick Bentley's being fucking dumb.

"They aren't. You're right." Bentley says, glaring at me.

This is actually so funny to me....look at those three shits. Acting all big and bad.

"You stole the puta from underneath me. When Laurent sent a marriage proposal, it was supposed to be me marrying didn't even like her, but you stole her from me. You took my pinkie as well." Diego snarls. "Now, I'm about to get my fucking revenge. For six years, you've mocked me, but now I'll make sure you're so disrespected even after your death."

I chuckle. "Bitch please, your dick is probably four inches at best. Bells needs the big kind. Even six inches is fucking too small."

Diego throws a punch at me, forcing blood out of my mouth. "I'll fuck your puta over your dead body, I'll fuck her over your grave and hope you watch from hell. I'll put my baby in her and make her carry it."

I should beat the shit out of him....but annoying the fuck out of him is key. "Ok, you mean rape her...she's not going to fucking want you, trust and believe. Your dick is small, you have ugly ass face tats, and your eyes are basic brown. You're a boring ass bitch."

Another's working.

Bentley shakes his head. "Xami, let me out."

I sigh. "I'm afraid the bitch isn't in her right mind," I said, laughing my ass off, earning another sick punch.

Xami punches Bentley with the butt of her gun, causing his nose to bleed. "Fucking hell, Xami."

"You know....I can't wait to see your puta. You know Bellamy and I go way back....she dropped off my little sister, Ana when she got lost. I was honestly surprised at how she's grown, full breasts, big ass.." Diego chuckles. "I can't wait to fuck her."

Liam rolls his eyes. "The bitch messed up my future. If it wasn't for her and that pathetic ass girl, Winnie or something, I would be a football legend. I'll leave her for Diego, but I can't wait to see her pain when I take something she loves the"

I scoff. "Liam, your fucking last name is Goldsberry. Sit the fuck down. Diego, I know being single with no pussy hurts a lot, but going after a married woman is not going to help your case. Bellamy's not stupid enough to come here." I smirk.

Bentley snorts, and Xami growls. "You think something's funny, Bentley?!" She grabs his neck, choking him as he shakes his head and murmurs a little 'no.'

Diego grabs a bat. "The Russian has jokes."

Liam smashes the butt of his gun on my nose, causing blood to splatter, and Diego repeatedly hits me in the fucking stomach. Bentley turns his head away, but Xami grabs his head, forcing him to watch me be beaten to a pulp.

Fuck...a little too pressed now.

"Damn," I smile with bloodied teeth. "You are.... really pressed."

Diego's nose flares. "I can't wait to see your stupid smile wipe off your face when your puta comes through those doors."

I will fuck Massimo up if Bellamy walks through those doors. I will fuck him up real bad. Don't let my fucking wife come here.



I couldn't sleep; I've been sleeping with Nikolai for almost a year now. I'm used to him being here. I can't sleep because he's not at work, he's being tortured, and I'm pregnant again with his baby. It's risky, but I'm the only one who can go and possibly save him.

You're almost two months pregnant.

With his baby.....that's why I need him here, with me.

I hope he's ok because I'm coming for him.

"Are you ready?" Massimo asks.

I nod. "I think. I'll manage."

Massimo grabs my shoulders. "Whatever you do, don't get shot. If you had a chance to survive, Nikolai would choose you over the baby. Think about your child, about your mental health."

I nod, sniffing back the tears. "I will."

Brandi, Winola, and Farah hug me.

"Don't be snarky," Farah says with a smile.

"Come back.....with them, of course." Winola hugs me again.

Brandi sighs. "I hope you'll be alright."

I smile. "Don't worry, I'll find Ivan for you," I whisper.

Brandi scoffs and smiles before heading over to her laptop. "Two guards on patrol."

"Shit." Massimo scoffs before pushing in his earpiece. "Due guardie, di pattuglia, vengono verso di te." (Two guards, on patrol, come towards you.)

"What are we doing in Vladimir's confinement anyway?" Benji asks as he types away.

"Vladimir is a sniper." Massimo answers. "He'll be able to kill them in thirty seconds."

Brandi scoffs in disbelief. "Now I know why they got him in a a room." She sighs. "Alright, y'all got four minutes to get him out of there. The guards patrol every four minutes sharp."

"Jeez, the guy's not an animal." Farah sighs.

"Winola, I need you to not to miss this shot I'm giving."

Winola furrows her brows. "Which shot?"

"You need to shoot Xami....IN THE HEAD. Do you understand me?" Massimo clarifies.

Winola nods slowly, with her brows still furrowed. "Ok....?"

"Xami's been shot everywhere but her head and heart."

"Ok, I got this," Winola says, catching the Colt 1911 Massimo throws at her.

Massimo glances at his watch and gives me a nod. "Bella, your ride is here," Massimo instructs. "Thirty minutes...good luck."

ραցєѕ: 172-176

Word ɕσυηт: 1,128

I know another ƒяєαкιηց cliffhanger

ωнαт do you тнιηк is gonna нαρρєη ?

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