Chapter 11

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Ever since that day I saw the baby die, I haven't been in contact with Massimo, so I called him to come over. Nikolai isn't here, something about questioning Liam or something. I couldn't be bothered with what he does to Liam.

The doorbell rings, and I rush to open the door. "Massimo!"

I hug him, and he gives me a tight squeeze. "Hey, Bellamy. How you holding up?"

I shrug and let him in. "I've actually been good."

Nikolai's been extra nice to me for the past two weeks. He even agreed to go to the actual cake tasting with me.

Massimo gives me his adorable smile. "I'm happy that you're happy."

I smile widely and grab him some wine. "Thank you, Pookie."

Massimo blinks two times in confusion. "Pookie?"

I nod. "Because you're so cute and adorable." I pinch his cheek and sit down on a barstool.

He snorts. "So, tell me about yourself. Do you really live by yourself with a maid?"

I giggle a little and shake my head. "No, actually–"

"Bellamy." Nikolai's husky voice booms.

Seriously, this guy. He sounds like he abuses me.

I roll my eyes. "I live with this brute."

Nikolai walks into the kitchen with a scary look. He looks furious and even more so when his eyes meet Massimo's

I stand up next to Massimo and smile widely. "This is my new friend and partner, Massimo."

Nikolai growls. "I know."

Massimo smiles. "Nikolai, nice to meet you....again."

I look at both of them.

The animosity in here right now is scary.

"You two know each other?"

Massimo smiles and puts an arm around my shoulder. "Yea, of course! I've met Nikolai a couple of times."

"Hands off, Massimo," Nikolai says with a deadly look, but Massimo ignores him.

"Wow, Bellamy, your hair smells really good." He sniffs my hair and then gives me a look.

Ahh, I see what he's doing. He's trying to make Nikolai jealous. Teehee.

I giggle. "Thanks, Pookie." I pinch his cheeks and turn to Nikolai, who's livid. "Isn't he so adorable, Nikolai?"

Nikolai harshly pulls me away from Massimo. "Touch her again, and I'll carve your brains out."

"That's a little harsh." I pout.

Massimo agrees. "Yea, especially since Bellamy loves me."

I make a heart sign with my fingers towards him, and he responds by blowing a kiss back, making me giggle at our stupidity.


After the ringing in my ears stops, Massimo's groaning comes into play, and when I look up, I gasp.

"Nikolai! You shot Massimo in the leg!"

"He's lucky I didn't fucking blow his brains out. At least he'll survive."

Olive rushes in. "Oh, Nikolai, what is the meaning of this?!"

Nikolai shrugs, and Olive lectures him while ringing an ambulance.

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