Chapter 25 🔥

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"How does this look?" I ask, turning around for Nikolai to see my dress.

It was a sheeny draped slip satin cocktail dress, tan-colored.

Nikolai glances at me and goes back to his last time when I dressed up for him. I hate him sometimes. He's so mean.


I stand there for a few seconds, waiting for Nikolai to look at me, when two cute-looking guys come in, whistling and catcalling. I giggle, posing for them, trying to make Nikolai jealous when one of them walks up to me.

A blonde guy smirks. "Hey, what's your name–"

"Fuck out of here." Nikolai stands in front of me.

The blonde guy rolls his eyes. "Move, dude. I saw her first."

Nikolai shows the blonde his personalized gun. "I'm her fucking husband, and I'm not afraid to fucking shoot."

The blonde guy's brown eyes widen before quickly walking away.

Nikolai turns around with blazing eyes. "Go take it off."

I walk into the dressing room, laughing and mocking him. "You jealous?" I called out.

You shouldn't have said that.

Nikolai barges in. "What the fuck did you say?"

I shouldn't have said that.

I smirk. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

Nikolai grasps my neck, pushing me onto the wall. "I'm not fucking jealous. I just don't want people looking at what's mine."

I scoff, trying him. "I'm not an object. You don't own me."

"No?" Nikolai drags his hand down and cups my pussy. "But I own this." He squeezes a little, eliciting a gasp from me.

He slides a hand inside my panties, plunging into my hole. "Oh my god."

I clench his fingers as he slams into my walls, making me fall back. He shakes his fingers inside me, digging deeper as I moan into his shoulder. He rams his fingers harder, abusing my hole until I shake and writhe.

"Don't play with me."


Dinner's going great. Brandi and Ivan are flirting, Benji and Bentley are talking, Winola's playing with the children, and Nikolai and Massimo are teasing me for falling while skating.

We've been here for hours since five pm, playing games, laughing, making fun of each other, and talking about Xami.

"Have you heard from Xami at all?" I ask Bentley.

Bentley and Winola both shake their heads. "No, she hasn't even come to get her clothes. She just disappeared."

"Good, she was an annoying ass bitch." Brandi says, sipping on her wine as Ivan stares at her.

"Be fucking for real. Nobody wanted her here." Nikolai rolls his eyes.

"They're children here. Brandi and Nikolai." Winola scolds.

"Wait....who the hell is Xami?" Massimo asks.

I snort. "You're late."

"She isn't very likable, so you're not missing anything." Benji states.

"She was weird, rude, aggressive, and violent," Farah says. "She attacked me."

"Oh, that blonde?" Massimo remarks as we laugh.

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