Chapter 19 🔥

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"We're going on a road trip. We're going on a road trip." I hum, dancing around.

Nikolai side-eyes me. "Have you packed our stuff yet?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm not your mom. You got to pack your own stuff."

Nikolai puts his hands around my waist from the back and puts his face on the crook of my neck. "I don't want to. Please." He whines.

I'm dead.

I groan. "Fine. But it's not going to work all the time. D-don't expect me to pack your things all the time."

Nikolai smirks. "Why not? I like watching you pack my shit. It's hot."

"Are you being sexist?"

Nikolai rolls his eyes. "Are you bitching right now?"

I turn to him. "Oh, so you're calling your wife a bitch?"

Nikolai shrugs. "What's coming from your mouth is called bitching."

I roll my eyes. "What would my dear sexist husband call bitching so that I may refrain from ever speaking in such a way," I say sarcastically.

Nikolai groans. "I said you looked hot when you did shit for me, goddamn Bellamy."

I giggle, and then my giggle turned into laughter.

I look up at him and stop laughing. "I'm sorry. That wasn't funny, sir."

Nikolai narrows his eyes. "Exactly what I fucking thought."

I sigh. "Babes, have no swimwear at all."

Nikolai shrugs. "We're not going on vacation, Bellamy."

I pout. "Yes, we are."

"No, we're not."

I roll my eyes. "Then what was the point of getting a luxury sprinter or saying that we're going on a road trip?"

"We're going to the countryside, not some hotel with an indoor pool."

"We can swim in the beaches or lakes,"

Nikolai smirks, caging me between the bed and him. "We don't need swimwear for that."

I furrow my brows. "What—? Oh, are you trying to get me pregnant?"

Nikolai narrows his eyes again. "I suggested that we go skinny dipping, and your first fucking thought is that I want to impregnate you?"

I sigh. "My Pum Pum is tired. You can't blame me for attempting to turn you off."

"The fuck is a pom-pom?"

I shake my head, laughing. "Don't worry about it."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───

"Nikolai! Ah, I said I was joking." I say between laughter as he throws me onto the bed in the bus.

"I fucking told you. Stop calling me your fucking bro. I'm not your fucking bro."

He climbs on top of me as I laugh my shit off, making it worse for me. But I can't stop laughing. I've been calling him bro for the past two hours, his reactions are so funny, and now I've got myself fucked up cause he parked the bus and yanked me off my chair.

"Stop fucking laughing."

I cover my mouth, trying to stop. "I'm sorry...bro."

I swear I see Nikolai's vein pop.

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