Chapter 3 🔥 (WARNING)

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⚠️kindish Dubious consent (dubcon)
Edited on behalf of readers to stop the confusion. Nobody is raping anyone here.

And if you didn't read the PLEASE READ shut the fuck up. I already explained.

Also comment whether I should re-write this shit or just delete the whole chapter

I start panicking, my stomach drops, and I feel like I need to take a shit. In reality, I was scared of seeing him glare at me in disgust again.

It didn't exactly help my low self-esteem.

"Bellamy, hurry up." My mother shouts in the fakest nice voice she could muster. "Before I drag you," I hear her mutter.

"Coming," I say in my nice fake voice back.

I take a deep breath, walk down the stairs, and enter the dining room. Bentley and Brandi were there as well, but there was only one person who gave me butterflies.

Goddamn, he's so hot.

"Oh, Bellamy, you've grown beautifully." Mrs. Semenov exclaims.

I see Nikolai scoff, that is until he actually sees me.

Damn that luscious black hair.

It looks delicious

I smile curtly at him and his father before avoiding all eye contact with him. "Thank you, Mrs. Semenov."

Bentley snickers quietly so I'd be the only one who heard it.

"I hope you like the food. My husband is the best cook I know." My mother smiles.

"Well, anything for you guys," my dad says. It makes me cringe, and I can see Brandi recoiling, too.

After that, I didn't hear a shitty word they were saying. All I could think about was Nikolai's hard stare- wait, it's a stare, not a glare?! I glance up at him, and he stares right into my eyes, and it's not his famously hot sideways glare.

"I heard you're in med school, Bellamy." My attention snaps to Mr. Semenov.

I nod and smile a little. "Yeah,"

"What do you plan to be?" Mrs. Semenov asks.

"A pediatrician or obstetrician. I love babies and kids." I take a sip of my champagne.

Brandi giggles. "Good, so you can give me a discount when I have children."

I roll my eyes.

Mrs. Semenov claps. "What great wife material."

Bentley snorts.

Brandi covers her mouth. "Oop."

I choke on my champagne.

I hope she wasn't talking to Nikolai.

My mother smiles as my dad grumbles. "I know, right? I can't wait to see my little girl as a mother."

Bentley, Brandi, and I do not have a clue about what's going on right now.

Yo, what the fuck is going on?

I bet I look bewildered, and Nikolai sees it and smirks.

Damn it.

"You like kids?" Nikolai finally speaks. It's more of a mocking gesture, but goddamn.

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