Chapter 13

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Mom and dad's bodies lay there on the floor, then all of a sudden, their eyes fling open.

"Bellamy, you didn't do anything." My mom says creepily.

"Bellamy, you didn't save us."

"Bellamy, you're useless."

"No one loves you."

Their bodies move closer.

No, stop!

Why can't I move?

They claw my body... I'm being shaved too?!

No, NO, stop!

I jerk awake. I want Nikolai.

You big baby.

As I'm looking for Nikolai, I find a little something on the dresser.

Dunkin' iced coffee?! Roses? A note?

I'm sorry.


Fuck, stop making me guilty. The wedding is in a few weeks. Nikolai confessed his love for me, my parents are dead, and their dead bodies haunt me. I'm mad at Nikolai, so I didn't tell him I loved him back—wait... that's not in order.

I take a sip; goddamn it, he's stalking me.

Ekk, Dunkin iced coffee with extra sugar and lots a creammmmm!!!! I love him.

I have to get out of bed.


"Brandi, Bentley, Winola, and Xami?"

"Oh, hey, girl." Brandi grabs me and squeezes me. "Nikolai didn't let us leave. We've been living in the living room for days."

Even Xami?!

"He also showed us what you saw," Winola says as she hugs me. I secretly rub her bump.


Bentley's still asleep.

"I told you he isn't a good man!" Xami exclaims. "He went out somewhere. Quick let's pack your bags and leave."

"Xami!" Brandi and Winola both groan simultaneously.

I sigh patiently. "Xami, I love him. I was only angry because he didn't tell me that dad was in the mafia."

Xami facepalms. "Stockholm syndrome!"

"Xami, that's when he kidnaps you." Winola snaps.

"Dumbass," Brandi mutters.

"Whatcha say?" Xami asks.

"Nothing." Brandi sighs.

I want nothing but to see him right now, but he's already gone.


At least he got me some delicious ice coffee.

"Olive, did Nikolai tell you where he was going?"

Olive shakes her head. "No, dear, I'm sorry."

Brandi waves her off. "Oh well, since there are only like.....ten weeks left, we need to get you a wedding dress."

I whine. "I want to go with Nikolai."

Winola snickers. "Obsessed much?"

"Oh, Bellamy, you're alive?" Bentley says groggily.

We all laugh...except for Xami.

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