Chapter 24

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Nikolai wouldn't leave my side for hours. Massimo told on me, and Nikolai went berserk. He left Ivan (Death) with me when he had to leave and threatened to kill his whole non-existent family if I got a papercut. He's been gone for at least two weeks.

So, I went to visit Brandi.

She lives in her apartment by herself because, as I said, she hates Xami and doesn't want to move in with us. She's in her last year of college. She wants to be a businesswoman, a boss bitch in her own words. But she's also minoring in journalism because she also wants to be a part of the annoying ass paparazzi.

But Ivan's following me.

Brandi swings the door open. "Why do you keep–" Brandi gasps. "Oh, Bellamy and...."

Ivan smirks. "Ivan...Ivan Morozov."

Brandi smiles shyly.

Oh, Nah....did she just?

She's never been shy a day in her life.

"Nice to meet you, Ivan." They shake hands for like thirty seconds before I break them apart.

"I was bored, so I decided to come over."

Brandi rolls her eyes. "I've been studying, working, and babysitting for Benji and Bentley."

I sit on the couch. Brandi claims she's not a hippie, she just likes the style, but she can never go walking around advocating peace because 'they're bitches like Xami in the world that need an ass kick by Moi.' But her apartment is very relaxing and hippie-styled.

I sigh. "Never thought you would be into college."

"I'm not, just want to be successful."

"You seem pretty successful." Ivan compliments.

Brandi chuckles. "Barely.... I'm working two jobs and doing two majors."

I furrow my brows. "What happened to Louie?"

That man she was living with.

Brandi scoffs. "Louie wanted children....I can't right now. I wouldn't be able to give my child the attention it needs, and Louie was fucking lazy and barely helped out, so he cheated and got another woman pregnant. His excuse was that he was angry I didn't want to be the mother of his children." Brandi rolls her eyes, drinking some orange juice.

Ivan skims Brandi as she types rapidly on her laptop, his blue eyes moving to Brandi's humongous ass that she was blessed with.

"черт возьми." (God damn)

I give Ivan a knowing look, and he blushes...he freaking blushes.

I come up with a fantastic idea. "We're having dinner at my house in a few days. You should come."

Brandi looks up from her laptop like she forgot we were here. "Yeah, sure."

"Ivan, you wanna stay the week and join us–"

"Sure. I would love to." He says, his eyes never leave Brandi's.


After visiting Brandi, I tell Winola and Bentley my matchmaking plans, and they agree to come over for dinner. I also called Benji and Massimo over because....why not? It needs to be a family dinner/blind date for my man Ivan and my sister Brandi. 

They're obviously attracted to each other.

It's three am in the morning, and I swear Nikolai climbed into bed like three hours ago....but he's not here anymore.

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