Chapter 30 🔥

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We found out the gender of the baby not too long ago, and I learned that Massimo was in the ICU right after I was transferred, so I went to visit him. I wanted to give him a surprise.

Of course, Nikolai didn't want to, but.....he had to.

"Hi, Massi," I whisper.

Massimo smiles weakly. "Chica! I see you're getting bigger."

"I'm three and a half months pregnant. I'm not that big."

Massimo opens his eyes a little. "I'm so sorry for what happened. Getting my man Vladimir out was harder than I thought."

"You should be, asshat." Nikolai sneers at him.

I sigh. "It's not your fault. I don't blame fact, you're a godfather."

Massimo laughs, groaning a little from the pain. "I jump right now and hug you, but I was kinda shot in the chest."

I giggle as Nikolai scoffs. "We didn't agree to this."

I roll my eyes. "You wouldn't have, so I didn't tell you."

"Nikolai, can I have a forgiveness hug?"

Nikolai sneers. "I can unplug whatever machine that's helping you breathe."

Oh lord.


"Is Ivan doing ok?" I ask Brandi.

She smiles. "Yea, just a broken leg and all–but, how about you? I know Nikolai was pissed at you."

I roll my eyes. "I could hear you guys, just couldn't talk. I'm fine; my baby's fine. Nikolai is definitely fine. I'm being discharged in a few days."

Winola rushes in with Farah, her children, Cillian, and the Quadruplets. "Hey, girl, what's up."

I smile. "All good here. I don't know; I like the crackers they give me here."

"Of course, you would." Winola rolls her eyes and takes a box out. "I think you'd like this instead."

I squeal. "Dunkin' donuts! Vanilla frosted with sprinkled donuts!"

Farah laughs. "I had cravings for donuts when I was pregnant too."

Winola shakes her head. "These babies liked sour patches and hated anything sweet."

"I hope I crave sweet things. My pregnancy will give me a pass to eat whatever I want."

"Yea, until you get stuck on the toilet throwing everything up."

I laugh at Farah's remark, picking up Oliver, his beautiful hazel eyes looking at me with curiosity. I stick my tongue out, his eyes widen, and I laugh. "You've never seen a tongue?" I coo.

"No, he hasn't. He's four months old," Nikolai says, bringing me some oreo flavored pop tarts, M&M's, and a Krispy Kreme donut.

Cillian giggles at his commentary.

"I literally love all of you!" I start tearing up.

"Why are you crying?" Nikolai asks.

"Pregnancy hormones." Winola and Farah say in union.


Christmas is almost here, and I'm not in the mood. I'm actually so pissed right now I can barely function.

Nikolai's birthday is also coming up, but I don't think I'll last if at every second I'm puking.

I thought it was a flex to not being able to feel symptoms earlier, but now, I'm feeling them.

It's three a.m, and my face is in the toilet. Every time I go back to bed, I have to puke a second later.

I'm so angry; I'm sobbing right now.

"What's wrong, Bells?" Nikolai says groggily.

I sniff. "I'm so...tired...I just want to sleep." I wail.

Nikolai scoffs. "I'll stay with you. Just keep...doing your thing."

I nod, puking out everything for the thirtieth time.


"Why are you dancing in the kitchen with no pants on?" Nikolai asks, smacking my ass.

"Ow, you asshole!" I yell at him as he laughs. "I can't not wear pants in my house?"

Nikolai smiles, making me furrow my brows.

Why is he smiling so much?

He never smiles more than once a day.

"What's going on?" I ask as he rubs my bump.

"We are now Mr. and Mrs. Romanov, and our little buddy here is our little Romanov."

I smile widely, kissing him. "Oh my god! You changed the names! I'm so happy for you."

Nikolai smirks as I ramble on. "Speaking of which, where is your father?"

"Still running from the fucking FBI, he has a prominent scar. No one would miss it."

I nod. "Well, we should celebrate." I try to rush out of Nikolai's arm, but he pulls me back.

"We can celebrate in the kitchen." Nikolai whispers.


"Turn around. I'm going to fuck you like I did the first time."

I smirk, turning around and putting my hands on the counter. "I dare you." I challenge him.

He rips off my panties with his free hand and then gropes my boobs from behind before plunging into me roughly, making me cry out.

He groans in my ear, making me clench on him tighter. "Am I still too small for you? Hm?"

I smile a little at his words. "Maybe. Why don't you prove how big you are to me?"

Nikolai scoffs. "I will. I won't show you any mercy because you're pregnant." I open my mouth to speak, but Nikolai starts to pound me, not even giving me a second to breathe. My tits bounce against the counter; this time, there's no pillow to muffle my moans.

I moan. "Please," I beg; I don't know if I'm begging for him to stop or keep going.

He pulls me up so my hands are stretched, thrusting intensely into me. "You're my slut, Bells."

I smirk. "No. I'm not." I almost sob when Nikolai grinds into me.

Nikolai smirks. "I thought you learned from this."

He pushes me back down and rams in so deep that his dick hits my cervix.

"Nikolai, I'm already pregnant." I moan.

He thrusts deep and hard until I feel my insides churn for release. When I start getting close to my climax, Nikolai stops, and I whimper.

"You want to cum, then beg me."

I sigh shakily. "Please, sir, I want to come like the slut I am for you. I want you to make me cum."

Nikolai gives out a satisfied grunt. "My helpless little slut." He shoves back into me with a groan. "Still so fucking tight. Even after I stretched you out."

He pumps in and out of me so fast that his balls hit my clit with every momentum. I feel myself clenching tightly against Nikolai; he groaned, pounding me into oblivion to chase his release. His thrusts become feral and thick, continually slamming my g-spot, getting off my cries and whimper, making sure I cum hard enough to tremble.

"If that's how you celebrate, maybe we need to celebrate more."

Nikolai lifts me up in bridal style. "With pleasure."

Pages: 190-194

Word count: 1,097


We're almost done!!

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