Chapter 32: Epilogue part two🔥

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Epilogue part two: five years later

Julius was suspended. I don't understand how a five-year-old refuses to behave because he's jealous. His remarks at school are concerning, and he punched an innocent person because he looked like someone Julius didn't like.

I's dumb

He's becoming more and more like Nikolai.

That is his father.

Yes, thanks for the daily reminder.

"Julius, why would you threaten to shoot up the school?! Do you know how much trouble you could've been in?" I scold.

Julius shrugs. "It's not like you care, mommy." His blue eyes peer up at me innocently.

"Oh, no, little boy, that look is not going to work on me. You're grounded."

Julius groans. "Fine–"

"Which includes your PlayStation Massimo gave you, your phone, and your tablet."

Nikolai comes in with Cesar and Ares, our other two children. Cesar was born two years after Julius and Ares accidentally came the following year. "What's the hell is going on?"

I groan. "You have toddlers in the house who like to repeat your words, Nikolai!"

"Sorry, baby." Nikolai dismisses.

"Mommy wants to ground me for no reason."

I scoff, taking the sleeping one-year-old off Nikolai's chest. Cesar doesn't pay attention to Julius; he just doesn't care. He turns on the tv and starts watching Peppa Pig. "I didn't ground you for no reason, Julius. You're suspended in first grade!"

Nikolai furrows his brows. "What the fuck did you do?"

"Threaten to shoot up the school," I answer for him.

Julius starts to tear up. "I hate you, mommy!"

Julius stomps away, but Nikolai doesn't let him get far. "Boy, bring your stupid ass back."

Julius whines and turns around, and Nikolai continues. "Stop bitching. If you don't want your shit taken, stop doing stuff like that."

I sigh, putting Ares next to Cesar on the couch.

"You don't even care about me. You guys love Cesar and Ares more because they're not in school."

Nikolai and I look at each other before looking back at Julius. "That's not true, Julius. Your dad and I love you all equally."

Julius sniffs. "You pay more attention to Cesar and especially Ares."

Nikolai rolls his eyes, moving to the fridge to get a beer. "Julius, Cesar, and Ares and practically babies. You're old enough to put your own pants damn on."

"Baby, your brothers need a little more help with things than you do. Especially Ares."

Even though Ares is too young to be diagnosed, I know he has ADHD; Ares is fidgety, can't stay calm even when he's eating, and is constantly looking to move or do something.

Cesar is just lazy. He doesn't want to learn how to put his pants on or brush his teeth unaided. He'd rather walk out the house naked than dress himself.

"What kind of help?" Julius crosses his arms.

I'm not even surprised.

Massimo spoiled him.

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