Chapter 2

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Thirteen years later.

"Bellamy, please stop dancing in the kitchen without pants." My roommate, Xami, groans.

"For real. Sit the fuck down nigga." Winola, my other roommate, agrees.

I stop and roll my eyes. "You gotta admit, my ass is really fine."

Winola and Xami roll their eyes.

"Bellamy, you and your 'fine ass' can go wear some pants. My boyfriend's coming over." Xami squeals.

"You mean my brother."

"You mean her brother."

Winola and I deadpan at the same time. Winola smirks as I put on some pants and laugh when Xami growls.

See, here's the thing, my dilemma, of course, is that Bentley likes Winola. How he went about it, you ask? He became friends with Xami, of course, to get closer to Winola, but Xami caught feelings for him and desperately asked him out.

Bentley is very antisocial, and the fact he made friends with Xami in the first place was arduous work for him; and since he doesn't like confrontation, he agreed to date her instead of telling her that he used her.

I'm disappointed, but Bentley is uncomfortable with confrontation, and I get that. But now, I have to tell Xami this...because Winola's eight weeks pregnant with Bentley's child, and for now, we're calling the father 'Ken.'

Winola's enraged with Bentley right now, though. It's not really his fault, but it kinda is because Bentley made the excuse that he doesn't want to engage in sexual activity while not being married to Xami. But Xami has told us about all the vain attempts to seduce him, like lap dancing, lingerie, lap dancing in lingerie. You can guess Winola was not happy at all.

Xami squeals excitedly. "He's here, ah hah hah!"

Winola sneaks an eye roll while I smile a little and open the door for Bentley. "Hey,"

I give him a slight nod. "Yo."

"Hey, Xami."

Xami jumps on him. "Heyyy baeee."

Once he recovers from Xami's extra hug, he turns to Winola nervously. "Hey, Winola."

Winola doesn't look at him. "Hi." She says coldly.

Bentley sighs. "How's the baby?"

Winola looks up at him, and he mouths a quick 'forgive me' before Winola gives in. "The baby's fine, absolutely perfect."

How could I stop their affair when their love is much better and much more attractive than Xami's one-sided love and affection towards Bentley?

"Anyway, Winola's being grumpy again," Xami rolls her eyes dramatically. "Never mind her. What's going on with you?"

Bentley clears his throat. "Mom's planning a dinner, and she wanted me to come tell you, Bellamy."

I groan. "Is Brandi and Benji going to be there?"

"Benji won't. You know he and mom are awkward around each other. But you know who will be there?" Bentley's lip curls into a small smile.



My heart jumps out of my chest and almost went bye-bye. Nikolai's back?


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