Chapter 18 🔥

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I gasp. "What do you mean O-Olive's dead?!" I try to walk forward, but Nikolai holds me back.

"I know you loved her, but I can't let you see another body."

I wipe my tears and sniff. "Was it the Mafia again?"

Nikolai looks at me with a blank look. "Yes. If you want a visual, I can give it to you."

I think about it for a second and nod my head.

"Her head is on a plate– your favorite plate, and her body's sitting on a chair, turning blue. Her eyes are still open–meaning they had no remorse afterward, she–"

I put my hand up. "Stop, please. I got it." I wipe more tears, I just can't stop, and Nikolai and his dumbass won't hug me. He's just staring at me. "You said her head was on my favorite–?"

"They were watching us."


Nikolai reluctantly called Massimo after the whole discovery. We'll be staying at one of Massimo's hideouts because all the Russian ones are bugged or being watched, and the Mexicans have no idea and wouldn't think the Italians would help the Russians, so we're safe.

Nikolai still ignored me when we got to the safe house. He threw his stuff on the bed and left me with Massimo. After two hours of him being gone, I decided to cry it out to Massimo, and now it's been about eight hours, it's late, and Massimo and I are still talking about the possible reasons he's so pissed.

"I knew I should have told him earlier, but I didn't know what he'd do."

Massimo scoffs. "Just buy him a face wash headband, it's so cute, and he'll forgive you easily."

I roll my eyes. "Massimo, it's not for fashion and–Nikolai wearing that?!"

Massimo and I look at each other before breaking down in laughter.

"Imagine his stone face with that on!" Massimo says, laughing in between, and I join him.

"Who's stone face?" A deep, scary voice calls out.

Massimo and I stop laughing and look at Nikolai like we were little kids caught doing something wrong.

Massimo clears his throat as Nikolai's eyes scorn us. "So, nice talk Bella." Massimo winks and throws his fingers into guns at me before walking the other way across the kitchen island from Nikolai. "See ya, baby."

I almost choke.

Oh no.

"What the fuck, so now everyone and their fucking mother is calling you Bella?"

I scoff and get a drink from the fridge, knowing I would upset him. "I can choose who and who doesn't call me Bella. Plus, you've been calling me Bells."

"Don't fucking turn your back on me."

I turn around. "Stop fucking yelling at me!" I scream, catching him by surprise. "I'm fucking sorry that I didn't tell you early about your siblings, but I didn't want to hurt your feeling, and I know that's no fucking excuse, but you don't get to yell at me like that! It's scary. You scare me. At least I didn't scare you when I was angry, and you don't even talk to me, and you don't look at me anymore, and you didn't hug me when I was crying, and I know it sounds so fucking stupid, but you can't just make me a clingy bitch and then leave me. I'm really sorry, and I know you're mad but can you.... Hug me just this one time, and then you can be mad for however long."

Nikolai sighs. "Bells, I'm not mad at you. I was taking my anger out on you, but it wasn't because of you, and I'm sorry. I was wrong. The fuckers are trying to kill you to get to me because that's the only way I'll feel pain."

Nikolai hugs me, and I snuggle my head on his chest. "Idiot, you made me feel sad."

Nikolai scoffs. "You're such a baby."

I smirk. "No. No, I'm not. I'm your whore."

Nikolai sucks in a deep breath.


After Nikolai and I had make-up sex, we relaxed in the tub, talking about the mafia; when I got an idea, I looked into Sam and where he's been. It turns out he's actually successful in Ireland, and he has a wife and four kids, one child particularly having more kinkiness to his hair. He must be about nine years old now, and I have an idea to get him back.

"Nikolai, remember Winola's son?"

"Yea, what about him?"

"I have an idea. We can get him back."

"How? I don't feel like killing an old woman for someone's child."

I splash him. "It's not someone, it's Winola, and I don't plan on killing anyone. We're just going to take a trip and threaten her mother to stay away, or the secrets will come out."

Nikolai grumbles. "I don't want to go to the country again. It's too fucking hot. Plus, why is it a problem?"

The Scottish Highlands weren't hot. The place was cool and damp. He's so dramatic.

Not more than you, though.

I sigh. "Look, sociopath, something about a mother trying to kill or even thinking of killing a baby that isn't hers don't sit right. Plus, Winola wants her son, and how would she feel towards me knowing that I kept it a secret?"

Nikolai grumbles. "Fine, we're going, are you done?"

I nod, and Nikolai bits softly on my ear, bringing his wet hands up my body, his dick pushing against my ass.

"Anal?" He asks.

When he asks, it means I won't be walking for some time.

But I nod anyway, and he bends me over in the tub.

He sticks a finger in my ass, making me whimper in pleasure more than pain.

Using the water to lubricate my hole, he pushes another finger in.

It feels so strange, yet it's so hot.

I'm sick in the head.

He thrusts his fingers into me hard and fast, rocking my body as I grip the tub and choke out a moan. "Nikolai, please."

Nikolai pulls his fingers out and quickly replaces them with his stiff dick. I scream out as he swiftly moves inside my asshole, making sure he doesn't go too deep, but today, I feel like exploring more. "Harder, deeper, please." I moan out.

Nikolai groans. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "Don't stop."

Nikolai grabs onto my hair. "As you wish."

He pounds into my ass, his dick reaching new depth inside as I cry out. It hurts, but it feels too good to stop. He presses down on my clit and pushes every inch of his dick into me as hard as he could, as tears stream down my face. I'm starting to wish I was gagged as well.

Bitch, what the fuck?

He hammers deep every time until I eventually collapse in his hands. Nikolai pulls out with both of our juices on his dick, and that's when the real pain began.

My ass.

"Now, I'm more convinced to go to St. Francisville."

I scoff. "Asshole."

"Again, damn Bellamy." Nikolai jokes.

"You desperately try to kill me every time we have sex."

And with that, I see Nikolai laugh again.

Page length: 110-115

Word count: 1,192


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