Chapter 21

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Everyone seems weird. I've been in the hospital a few days, and Brandi, Winola, and even the nurses treat me like I actually lost my life, or I lost the ability to do something. They're all hiding something from me. Including Nikolai, he's the most suspicious. I've already noticed that Nikolai's eyes are unique, and I've seen specific shades of blue to what he's feeling, but never have I seen that...cornflower blue tinge in his eyes.

What's going on?

"Girl, my bitch boss won't let go on vacation any longer," Brandi says, catching my attention.

"Ok, I'll see you. Tell Winola I'll visit her after she gives birth."

"Ok, bye, I'm gonna run." Brandi hugs me before leaving.

Winola had to leave because she was feeling contractions. She'll give birth tomorrow, but I won't be able to see her.

Bentley didn't stay too long; he's having four kids and working overtime in the office.

"I have to leave too, chica," Massimo says apologetically.

I furrow my brows. "Chica? You're Italian."

He shrugs. "I say whatever comes to mind." He kisses my cheek.

Nikolai walks in with a sneer on his face. "Massimo, I'm two seconds away from making sure you can never talk."

Massimo shrugs. "You wanna kiss too?"

I giggle as Nikolai grabs Massimo and throws him out. "It's not funny. Wipe your cheek."

I giggle. "No."

Nikolai takes a tissue from the box and hands it to me. "Wipe your face."

"No, why?"

"Because Massimo kissed you. Now wipe that shit off."

I think for a second. "No." I giggle as Nikolai climbs the bed with the tissue and tries to wipe it off himself.

"Nikolai! Stop! Ah!" He starts tickling me until I finally give up.

"That wasn't so hard."

I open my mouth, but a knock on the door distracted the both of us. "Um, sir, we're going to ask you to refrain from sexual activities."

Nikolai gives her his famous glare. "How do you fuck with clothes on? Use your fucking brain. I'll 'engage in sexual activities' whenever the fuck I want."

The nurse looks horrified, but she continues to check my IV and take my blood as Nikolai glares at her the whole time.

"Nikolai, please, it was an honest mistake. You were on top of me."

"Honestly fucking annoying one. Dumbass–"

"Ok, don't scare my nurse." I laugh.


I've been discharged from the hospital finally, and Nikolai's been such a honey bunny. Apparently, he got a job as an IT, something about not paying tax when earning money from the mafia and not wanting to go to jail for something stupid like tax evasion, and took a vacation to be with me.

I've spent the day snuggling with him and face timing Winola to see the babies. Two boys and two girls.

Oliver, Oakley, Penelope, and Priscilla. Winola wanted country names, and Bentley didn't give one shit about what Winola chose. The names are beautiful, though, well thought out for only three minutes of thinking.

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