Chapter 14

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"Your dad was dying, and he wanted to join the Russian and French together because he thought Benji and Bentley were pussies."

I snort. "He said that?"

"In French."

Nikolai stops talking.

"Nikolai, you're not done. I need info on everything."

Nikolai groans in annoyance. "The Mexicans wanted to take you instead, but your father knew you would rebel more if it was them and not me. I found that out yesterday. So, the Mexicans are on my ass because I cut Diego's pinkie off and stole his potential bride. They recruited Liam because everything went to shit for him when you reported his ass."

"Is that all?" I said, hoping that was it.

Nikolai shakes his head. "Liam had your nudes as well as Winola's."

"You looked at Winola's nudes?!"

Nikolai gives me a confused glare. "Are you fucking serious? He showed me yours and mentioned Winola's. Sam gave it to him."

I growl. "Why the fuck would Sam do that?! After everything, he's done–"

"Bellamy, Sam fled to Ireland; he was set up and drugged by Liam. Before he left, Winola's mother struck a deal with him, and he took the baby boy with him."

I shake my head. "Not possible! Winola saw her–"

"A decoy, placed by her mother."

A decoy? So Winola didn't see her son. What the fuck is Sam doing in Ireland with their real son, and why is her mother trying to keep her from her son?

"Why? Do you expect me to keep this from Winola?"

Nikolai nods like it is apparent. "Yes. Sam struck a deal with Winola's mom to keep the baby alive and far away from her and Winola."

"What in–why the fuck would she do that?"

Nikolai shrugs and shakes her head. "Winola was raped. Her mother thought it was embarrassing, and she hated the baby enough to try and kill it."

"What the actual fuck." I groan. "How could you want me to keep this to myself?! Winola wants her son."

"It's better to have him alive somewhere else than dead in Winola's arms."

He's right. I can't tell her. She'd be devastated, and she couldn't take the stress.

Well, we're in a pickle.

Never again.


"Nikolai, I don't—"

"I've told you everything. Can I get a hug?"

Aww, yes, give him a hug—

"No, you're gonna try something."

Nikolai huffs. "No, I'm not. I just want a fuckin–a hug, just a hug."

Nikolai stalks closer to me, and I giggle nervously. "Nikolai! Why are you cornering me?!" I say as my back hits the wall.

Nikolai heaves and cages me in with his arms. "You spent fifty thousand dollars today. What the fuck did you buy."

My jaw drops. What the fuck did Winola and Brandi buy?! I left midway to go pick up Xami because I felt terrible, and I left the card to them. Fifty thousand dollars in a day? What did they buy?

A car?

"I only spent two thousand and eight hundred of that. I promise it was Winola and Brandi."

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