Chapter 8 🔥

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No offense to anyone who's named Liam or has the last name Goldsberry.

Also AGAIN, when Nikolai says to the pastor "see if God helps you blah blah." He means that God wouldn't help a pastor who's sex trafficking (Assuming he is based on his experience), he didn't mean it in a disrespectful way towards God.

TW: SA and Rape is being mentioned.

Used google translate btw 😉

Pls vote and comment!


Nikolai doesn't waste any time. He puts me on top of his desk, shoves off my skirt, and unbuckles his pants.

"Aren't you going to at least kiss me?"

Nikolai scoffs. "I knew you couldn't do it. I'm too fucking hot."

I frown. "Niko–"

Nikolai kisses me with so much force it knocks me back onto the desk. He gropes my boobs hard and takes off his boxers.

"Fuck, Bellamy, don't wear panties in the fucking house."

I moan quietly as he rips my favorite yellow lace underwear. "Or what?"

Nikolai forcefully shoves his dick into me, punishing me for challenging him.

Nikolai groans and grabs my neck. "I will take you to a fucking library and fuck the living daylight out of you."

I moan at the sound of that.

Nikolai hammers into me, making me yelp helplessly in pleasure. "Nikolai, please!"

I squirm in his grasp, the pleasure from his thrusting. "Stay still."

"I can't–Oh god, I can't take it," I say in a high-pitched voice, throwing my head back.

Nikolai grinds hard and deep into me and groans. "You're going to take it like the whore you are."

I scream out in my hand. "Nikolai, I'm cumming!"

Nikolai squeezes my neck a little harder. "Don't."

Nikolai thumps into me, using my neck to ram deeper inside of me. "Fucking hell, now."

I quivered beneath him, yelping, gasping, moaning, screaming for Nikolai like the dumb whore am I for him.

Nikolai's lips brush against my ear. "I win."

Fuck you, Nikolai.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───


"Nikolai, do you even eat cake?" Bellamy argues.

I hate cake. Why do we need good cake if I'm not going to fucking eat it? "No, I don't, so fruit cake for the elders or no cake."

Bellamy crosses her arms. "This is my wedding, and I will have a Le Novelle cake!" Bellamy squeals at the end.

I roll my eyes. "No."

Bellamy growls. "I will create a scene right here, right now!"

"Um, miss, please don't." The cake designer says nervously.

Bellamy gives her one creepy-ass look, and the cake designer shrinks back down. "We will have the Le Novelle cake."

Goddamn, she never listens. I don't want that goddamn fucking cake. I look up the stupid cake on google... there's no way. "The fuck Bellamy? Five hundred thousand for a fucking cake? I am not fucking doing it."

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