𝟎𝟎𝟒 Green Tiger

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

Ⅳ 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒓

HAZEL WATCHED THE CANDLES INFRONT OF HER. Hazel gave Rachel one of her books as they sat together in the chapel. "Hey, can I talk to Rachel? Alone please," Dick requested looking at Hazel. Rachel and Hazel looked at each other and Rachel nodded softly.

"I'll be outside, by the trees," Hazel informed, picking up her satchel and walking out of the chapel, heading for the garden outside.

Hazel sat in the grass, resting against a tree. She pulled out her book and grabbed the notes Kory gave her earlier.

Hazel Lillis. From my studies and research is normal. She lives alone with her mother. The obvious irregularity is her ability to manipulate our world. She is friends with that girl with blue hair, Rachel Roth.

They have been friends for a few years now. She is a trustworthy being. She may trust too easy but that also opens up the possibility of different powers from the others. She has a venom. Something that makes her deadly.

Hazel huffed, an uneasy taking over her stomach. She flipped to the next page but they seemed to be coded. Someone had been watching her, for years apparently and she hadn't even noticed. Hazel looked over her shoulder, not expecting to see anything but she still felt uneasy.

Hazel jumped slightly when the ground beneath her started to shake slightly. Hazel pressed her hand to the floor, trying to settle the ground. The side of the church exploded into flames, rubble and concrete spilling out.

"Hazel!" Rachel screamed, running through the back door. "Hazel!" Rachels threw her arms around Rachel and they held onto each other.

"Are you alright? Rache did something happen?" Hazel said in a rush.

"They tried to lock me in. We have to go, right now," Rachel ordered. Hazel scooped up her bags and Rachel grabbed her hand, running into the woods.

Rachel pulled Hazel along and Hazel threw her arm down, a massive tree falling behind them and blocking the path that could follow them. Rachel kept running, her grip on Hazel's hand growing tighter. "Rachel-"

Both girls halted as a growl echoed from the trees. Hazel pushed Rachel behind her, as a green tiger slowly stalked toward them. "Do not move," Hazel whispered, as the tiger slowly walked around them. It stopped walking and reeled backwards, growling softly as the sound of bones breaking became louder.

Its bones crunched and ground and it ran behind a thick bush, where the gross sounds grew louder. A boy with green hair shot up, struggling to pull on a jacket. Hazel and Rachel stepped back slightly as they stared down Gar.

"Gar?" Hazel questioned in shock. "How did you-? Did you just-?"

Gar raised his hand, and her questions trailed off. "Don't worry. I don't bite," Gar joked softly.

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