𝟎𝟎𝟔 Dividing Point

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

Ⅵ 𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕

THERE WAS ONLY SILENCE. Gar, Hazel and Terran sat on the back counter of the kitchen, Rachel sat on the island, Donna, Hank Rose and Dawn sat on the stools and Jason sat separately at the glass table. Kory sat behind Dick on one of the armchairs, and Dick stood in front of her, telling the truth. The truth that he killed Jericho, Deathstroke's son.

"I lied," Dick finished, his face stern. "I lied to you guys because I was afraid you'd leave this place. And me," Dick said, his direction cast at the kids, especially Rose. "And if that happened, there would be no Titans." Dick sighed and turned his attention to the older Titans. "And I lied to you, too. I told you that Jericho was dead when I got to the church, but he wasn't. He was alive. He died trying to save me from his father. I'm sorry. You all deserved more."

Hank leant forward slightly, casting Dick a look before pushing himself to stand. He paused when he got face to face with Dick. Dick sighed and Hank swung a punch across Dick's face.

Dicks head snapped to the side, his nose bleeding. Dawn humped up, taking Hank by his arm. "Lying sack of shit," Hank said coldly. Kory jumped up as well, walking closer to Dick.

"How many other fucking half-truths have you told us?" Donna growled her tone cold as well.

"At least you got a half-truth," Rachel mumbled, looking at Donna.

"My brother's dead because of you," Rose snarled, her voice dripping with venom. Rose stood. "I'm out."

"I'm going with her," Jason said finally, standing as well.

"Jason, Look-"

"You don't decide what I do anymore," Jason interrupted Dick. "What anybody does." Jason cast a final glare at Dick and followed after Rose.

"I'm out, too," Donna muttered with anger.

"I'm going with Donna," Rachel announced, sliding from the island. "Can I go with you?"

"Sure," Donna agreed.

"Rachel, I know I've been a shitty friend but-"

"It's not that Haze," Rachel murmured. "I can't stay here." Donna and Rachel stepped away and Hazel hung her head.

"Let's go," Hank said to Dawn, and they walked off as well.

"I have to go home," Terran spoke up, pushing off the counter.

"What? No, no. I just found you," Hazel pleaded, standing as well.

"I'll come back, but, Deathstroke got into my house Haze. He stole from my mom, I have to make sure she's okay," Terran explained. She nodded at Gar and walked off as well. Hazel stood still, her eyes spacing out.

"Kind of messed up, Dick," Gar said, cutting through the silence.

Kory's phone vibrated and Kory sighed as she texted someone. She rolled her eyes and started to walk away. "You're leaving now?" Dick called, his voice breaking.

"I got a loose end to take care of," Kory explained. "Sorry. At least it's out now. The truth. I'm sure they'll get over it soon." Kory nodded at Dick and left for her room. Dick sighed and walked off.

Rose and Jason walked from the hall. "Jason," Hazel called, running to him.

"You can't make me stay," Jason mumbled.

"I know just... If you get in trouble, I'll answer," Hazel smiled softly and he and Rose walked to the elevator. Donna and Rachel left next and Rachel paused slightly to smile at Hazel and Gar. Hank and Dawn gave swift nods before leaving as well.

Terran walked out with her bag slung over her shoulder. Terran pulled Hazel into a tight hug. "I'll be back as soon as I can," Terran promised. "I swear I am not leaving you." Terran nodded at Gar and left as well.

"Stay safe, please," Kory called as the doors to the elevator closed.

HAZEL SAT AGAINST THE GLASS WINDOW IN DICK'S ROOM. Her legs were stretched out in front of her and she picked at her shoelaces. "This doesn't make any sense," Gar argued as Dick packed his bags. "Look, I-I get why everyone else is leaving. They're pissed. Okay. Fine. But they left. Logically, that means you don't have to."

"I fucked up, Gar," Dick shook his head, zipping up his bags.

"Yeah, okay, and you admitted it and apologized for it." Dick slung his bag over his shoulder and Gar stuttered as he kept talking. "What more can you do?"

"Nothing here," Dick said with a sigh. He walked out of the room and Gar looked at Hazel. Hazel sighed and stood up, the two following after Dick.

"Okay then... what are we supposed to do?" Hazel asked, her voice quiet as she questioned Dick.

"Hold down the fort," Dick said simply. "The place pretty much runs itself. If you got any questions, there's a manual in the tech room."

"Yeah, hi. Hey, I got a question. What about the unconscious, naked dude down the hall?" Gar snapped, running in front of Dick.

"Eve gave Hazel instructions, she'll watch him," Dick answered, looking down at Hazel. "Just check on him every few hours, but nothing to worry about. He's probably gonna outlive us all. When he wakes up, call Bruce."

"Bruce Wayne?" Gar questioned.

"No, Bruce Springsteen," Dick joked.

"Who?" Gar and Hazel said at once.

"Conner will probably want to get in touch with Superman," Dick continued. "Bruce can make that happen."

Gar chuckled sheepishly making Hazel smile softly. "So he and, uh, Superman are like..." Gar trailed off, a goofy smile on his face.

"Just call him, okay? He's your number one job," Dick said.

"Number one job," Gar repeated.

"All you gotta do," Dick looked at Hazel.

"All we gotta do," Hazel recited.

"Thanks," Dick nodded, holding his hand out for Gar to shake. Gar hit his hand away and pulled Dick into a quick hug. "I'll be back. So will Terran."

Hazel nodded. "There are flowers in your bag," Hazel spoke up. "Healing ones because we all know you'll get into some sort of trouble."

Dick laughed softly and walked to the elevator and Gar and Hazel moved to stand at the end of the hall. "Keep the faith, Gar," Dick called and the doors closed.

"Keep the faith, Gar," Gar repeated.

Krypto barked at him and Hazel and Hazel dropped to the floor, scratching behind his ears. "Hey, baby. Such a good boy," Hazel cooed.

❝ we will be 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒔 ❞

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