𝟎𝟏𝟔 Dark Magic

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

ⅳ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄

THE PAIN WAS GONE. BUT SO WAS EVERYTHING ELSE. Hazel rolled onto her back, looking up at the blue sky. A bright but comforting sun lit her vision. "What the hell..?" Hazel mumbled to herself. Hazel moved to lean on her elbows, looking over the large field of green grass and lavender flowers. Dark oak trees spouted from the ground and bright blue birds nested in their branches. "Where am I?"

"Hell... Or heaven depending on your outlook on life," A girl answered from behind her, she sat cross-legged in the grass, twisting a flower between her fingers. Hazel looked over her shoulder and the girl smiled. "It's also limbo, because you know... you're not gone yet."

"Who are you?" Hazel demanded, spinning around to face her

"Terran, my friends call me Terror," The girl stood, her brown hair flowing in the wind. She dropped the flower and wiped her hands on her pants. "I'm your sister."

"What?" Hazel snapped, scrambling to her feet.

"I know it's a lot-"

"First you tell me I'm dead, now you say that you're my sister?" Hazel snapped, stepping back slightly.

"You don't have time for questions, I don't have time to explain," Terran spoke up, walking towards Hazel. "I'll find you after and explain but you have to wake up, you're friends are in trouble."

Hazel choked softly, her body shuddering as her jagged breaths filled her lungs. Hazel pushed the broken remnants of the shelf from her body and slowly pushed herself to stand. The pain that had left her in the lavender field came back to her so quickly, it felt like she was dying all over again. Hazel pushed herself from the wall and stumbled to Rachel. Hazel took Rachel's, hand her blood staining Rachel's pale skin.

Rachel gasped softly, her eyes widening but they were still a deep black and they didn't move from staring at the door. "Rache," Hazel called her voice hoarse. "Rachel I know you can hear me. And I need you to come back." Hazel stepped closer, her eyes scanning across the side of Rachel's face. "Please Rachel, I need you back. You have to fight it Rachel, please don't give in."

Rachel gasped gently and turned back to Hazel. Hazel smiled, ignoring the pain from, her broken jaw. "We've gotta stop Trigon," Hazel spoke up, the happy thoughts disappearing.

"I need to get Dick back first," Rachel said, turning her head to look at Dick. "You reached me. There has to be a way to reach him."

"Do you think you can do it?" Hazel asked, her voice broken.

"This started with a dream I had about him. Before all of this," Rachel relayed.

"The circus," Hazel mumbled.

Rachel nodded, "I was supposed to find him. That's what the dream was telling me. My dream was the key. It's all in the dreams."

"Rache," Hazel called, catching her hand. "Just... be careful."

Rachel walked to Dick and grabbed his hand. He spun quickly making the girls gasp. "What happened to you?" Rachel asked softly. "Remember," Rachel ordered.

Rachel stared up at Dick, her focus unmoving. It took a few minutes but slowly the veins on Dick's face faded and he blinked as his eyes went back to normal. "I missed you," Rachel spoke finally.

"Rachel," Dick exclaimed softly with a small chuckle.

"Welcome back," Hazel groaned, holding onto her side. She coughed slightly, looking up at the two. "What happened?"

"Dick can fill you in," Rachel nodded. "I think I need a minute alone with my father." Dick nodded and Rachel walked out the door.

Dick watched Rachel walk out the door before turning to Hazle, "Do we-?"

"Yes, we follow her," Hazel interpreted, in a raspy tone. The two walked out the door and stepped off the porch through one of the other staircases. Once the two were outside Hazel sucked in a large breath.

Rachel pushed through the line of her possessed friends, ordering for them to stay. Rachel walked out to Trigon, but still left a few meters between them. "Father!"

Trigon turned, his arms still outstretched, "My child. Join me."

"I would, but, you know... stuff to do," Rachel shrugged, finally coming to a stop. "I do want to thank you, though."

"For what?" The demon snapped.

"For showing me who my family really is."

Trigon stepped forward. "This isn't the time to get sentimental."

Rachel scoffed slightly, "I wouldn't worry. I know how to look after myself. Always have. You know what they say... genetics is destiny." Rachel lifted her arms, an enormous amount of dark magic and the black power swirling around Rachel as her red gem glowed. Trigon growled as he tried to reach for her but the black power started to disintegrate his arms, tearing them into nothing but an ash-like state.

Rachel's power spread across the field before quickly transforming into a blue light and exploding. It shot across the field and through the house knocking the Titans over. Dust and blue lights absorbed Trigon as he flew backwards before everything fell into silence.

Hazel groaned in pain as she pushed herself to stand, Dick, offering his hand to steady her. Rachel walked from the blue mist and Dick sprinted towards her. Rachel threw her arms around him, holding him close.

Hazel stumbled forward and Gar rushed to Hazel, stopping when he got to her. Gar paused, his eyes catching every bleeding gash on her body. "Hey," Hazel hummed with a groan.

Gar smiled and wrapped his arms around her, helping her walk. "Hey," Gar said. Once the group was close together Rachel took Hazel's hand, melding her broken arm back into place while also speeding up Hazel's healing.

"How you feelin' kid?" Hank asked looking at her with sadness.

"Well you two definitely kicked my lung out of place," Hazel started looking at Hank and Dawn. "Jason broke my arm and ribs, Donna broke my hand, Kory popped my jaw out, Gar gave me a concussion and Dick... killed me, but you know... I saw my sister in limbo."

"You what?" Rachel questioned.

"I don't know how much I trust family right now," Hazel shrugged.

Rachel smiled softly and looked around at the others, "I do."

❝ the 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒔 will know our names ❞

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