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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

ⅲ 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏

HAZEL TOOK HARSH AND FAST BREATHS AS HER EYES DARTED AROUND. "Hey, hey," Gar soothed as Hazel finally took a long breath and calmed down. "You're okay." Rachel stepped away from her father and walked back to Hazel, helping Gar pull Hazel to her feet.

Rachel through her arms around Hazel, holding her close. "Thank god," Rachel sobbed, gripping tightly to Hazel.

"What the hell happened?" Hazel mumbled, pulling herself from Rachel's grasp. Neither had a chance to answer her when Dick rushed through the door. He barely got the chance to look around before his eyes went black and his skin lightened.

"Dick," Rachel called walking towards him. "Dick, please... Talk to me." Gar pushed Hazel behind him and they watched the scene unfold. "Let him go!" Rachel ordered her father.

"This was not my doing," He spoke coldly, walking to stand behind her. "This was his. I offered your friend a path that wound down many roads, but, ultimately, he chose his own way. To embrace his darkness rather than deny its existence. This was his struggle. He tried to flee from who he is, from what he is."

"Dick," Rachel pleaded, her hands moving to his shoulders.

"I've released your friend from a terrible burden," He continued, placing his hands on Rachel's shoulders making her reel her hands back. "I love him as you do, because you do."

"And with Trigon's blessing, he's part of the family now," Angela spoke up, running her hand along the side of Dicks face.

"Oh, Rachel It feels so good to be home," Dick spoke absentmindedly. "You'll see. They'll all see."

"No. Let him go," Rachel whispered. "Let him go," She ordered her voice distorting as her magic flew from her hand. Trigon clicked his fingers and her magic dissipated.

"I'm afraid you're grounded. No more magic," Trigon explained.

"I won't let you do this," Rachel said.

"Let me? You did this," Trigon countered. "You brought me here, Rachel. Your purpose was to bring me into your world. The whole journey you've taken with your friends, it's all been to make this moment happen."

"I couldn't be more proud," Angela said, walking to Trigon and holding onto his shoulder. "You've given this world a gift."

"You never loved me. You used me," Rachel spoke up.

"Oh, sweet girl, this is so much more important than love," Angela hummed with no passion in her words.

"Just let him go," Rachel begged.

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