𝟎𝟏𝟑 Hero's

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

ⅰ 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐'𝒔

HAZEL HAD MENTIONS THE FEILD TO RACHEL ONCE, AND THIS WAS NOT IT. Rachel looked over the large hills, stepping closer to Hazel. The once bright and comforting lavender field had died, the flowers drooped and the grass had shriveled up. The oak trees that line the far left of the fields cracked and slumped with goo that dripped instead of growing leaves. The sky was encased with dark black and blue clouds, thunder and lightning cracking.

Rachel stopped a few meters behind Hazel. She could see Hazel's spine pulling against her skin, her skin had lost its color and her entire body shook. "Haze?" Rache called in a soft voice.

"I can't... I can't grow anything back," Hazel stammered. In her hands Hazel held a small lavender flower, its color had drained to a dark brown and the small petals withered each time her fingers brushed them. "I can't head anything."

Rachel slowly stepped to Hazel, cautiously sitting beside Hazel. "How can I help you?" Rachel asked, her hands crossed in her lap. Hazel shrugged slightly her eyes not moving from the flower. "Why can't you heal anything?" Rachel asked, shuffling slightly closer. "Is something blocking you? Are you drained?"

Hazel took a shallow breath, "I just feel pain. Every time I try to do anything, these... flashes take over. I just see myself hurting people, the Titans, Gar... You." Hazel shook her head. "I'm a monster, I am not the hero you think I am."

"Why?" Rachel questioned, shaking her head. "Because I was an asshole and left you alone? Because I was selfish and didn't want to check in with you? Because you're a good person and wanted to keep Gar and Conner safe?"

Hazel turned her head to look at Rachel. "I hurt so many people Rache," Hazel repeated.

"And you have saved so many more," Rachel countered. "For my entire life, I thought I was a monster, that because of my powers I thought I was just meant to hurt people." Rachel reached over and took Hazel's hand. "But when I met you, I found a whole new part of myself. And I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but you were always the best part of my life."

Rachel looked back out over the dying fields. "When we were at Gar's house, the doctors, you saved all of Larry's herbs. You regrew the school garden dozens of times. And I just saw you turn a flash bomb to sand," Rachel informed. "If anyone can re-grow their spiritual plane... It's you." Rachel stood and helped pull Hazel to her feet. "You can do this."

Rachel stepped to the side and Hazel took a small step forward. Hazel held her hands at her sides green and gold lights twisting together to swirl around her hands. The grass regrew first, returning to a bright green, then the flowers turned bright vibrant colors and the lavender grew to its illuminated purple. Hazel looked over her shoulder, smiling at Rachel, "Thanks Rache." Hazel brought her hands up and a large bright light shot out, taking over the expanding fields.

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