𝟎𝟏𝟕 San Francisco

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

ⅴ 𝒔𝒂𝒏 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐

JASON FLCIKED HIS DENIM JACKET OUT BEFORE THROWING IT AROUND HAZEL'S SHOUDLERS. Hazel mumbled a small thanks, giving him a smile. Hazel and Gar sat in the back of Dick's car, the doors pulled open to give the, room. Hazel leaned her weight on Gar's side as they watched the others moved around. Rachel and Jason stood by as Dick finished loading everything into the car. "I gotta give it to you, Rache, you really know how to throw a party," Dawn hummed, sitting on the edge of the jeep.

"Yeah. Do it again," Jason hummed. "Love beating Dick's ass."

"Keep dreaming, bird boy," Dick scoffed, patting Jason's chest as he walked past him.

"Nice one. Really inventive," Jason shot back.

"I'll be here all week," Dick chuckled.

"Maybe give us a heads-up next time so I can do my own eye makeup," Donna ordered making Rachel laugh softly. "Your demon dad wasn't much for subtlety."

"Really? I kinda liked it," Kory spoke up. "It was really gothic, you know?"

"You know, wasn't a big fan myself," Hazel called, raising her hand.

"Hey, kid... again we're really sorry," Hank said, pushing himself off the car.

"You're good man, you guys weren't yourselves," Hazel smiled. "It couldn't have been. Jason actually shut up for once."

"Hey! I thought you liked me?" Jason whined. Hazel shrugged gently and Jason scoffed at her but still smiled.

Rachel walked to Dawn and hugged her tight. Rachel turned back and called to Dick, "Um, Where are we going?"

Dick walked back into sight, cleaning off the antenna. "Uh, I don't know. It's a mystery."

"If we end up at someone's demon house or shitty motel, I might actually stab someone," Hazel mumbled rolling her head back. Hazel groaned softly as she slid from the back of the car, Jason reaching to help her.

"Another mystery?" Rachel asked, jumping in on Dick and Kory's conversation.

"Get used to it. Life's a lot better with them," Dick advised.

"That sounds like something Batman would say," Rachel pointed out.

Gar jumped from the gar and moved to stand by Rachel. "Uh, do we get to meet him this time?" Gar questioned.

"Uh, no. Superman," Dick said, closing the back door.

Gar's jaw dropped as he questioned him, "Seriously?"

Dick smiled, "No. Get in the car." Kory laughed out loud and Hazel chuckled softly.

"Shotgun!" Gar yelled running for the front seat. Rachel screamed as she followed him.

"Hey, seriously?" Jason scoffed.

"Can I pull the I died card?" Hazel called.

"No!" Gar and Rachel yelled in unison.

"Then why did I get out of the car?" Hazel huffed as she walked to the middle seats with Gar, and Jason pulled himself into the back seat.

"Hey! Bye, guys," Kory called, waving at them. "I'll miss you."

Gar popped his head out the window, "Bye, Kory."

"Miss you more," Rachel yelled.

"Send me a postcard from your planet," Hazel yelled, sticking her arm out the window to wave at her.

"Will do," Kory smiled. Jason waved before finally pulling the back window down, and closing the car door. Dick took the keys from Donna before hopping in the front seat and driving off, calling his final goodbyes.

"Hazel, you sure you don't wanna try and find this sister?" Dick asked.

"Not until I've had a very long nap," Hazel called back, resting her head on the window.

HAZEL HUMMED AS JASON FINISHED HIS STORY. "So you got demoted," Hazel pieced together, as Dick finished explaining Bruce's deal of Jason staying with the Titans.

"It's not a demotion, per se. More like a temporary relocation," Jason clarified.

"Sound like you got demoted," Hazel repeated.

"I didn't get-"

"Ugh. Whatever," Rachel groaned interrupting Jason and Hazel's bickering. "Dick, where are we going?"

"I thought it was obvious," Dick shrugged before gesturing out the window. "I mean, this bridge has been in a ton of movies."

"Yeah, but where exactly?" Gar asked.

"San Francisco is a big place," Hazel agreed.

"You'll see," Dick shrugged again.

"God, I hate surprises," Jason moaned.


They stood in a blue-lit silver elevator that seemed to climb up ever-lasting stories. The elevator dinged and the group stepped out. It was an ultra modernize apartment with fireplaces and glass walls with awfully expensive chandeliers lighting the entire place in gold hues and reflecting the rooms in blue light.

Gar and Jason looked around before over their shoulders at Dick. He gave them a swift nod and they ran in opposite directions. Hazel tossed her satchel on the table before running down the hall Gar went, but further down the hall.

A large blue control room with silver walls and a black marble floor. Hazel ran her hand along the buttons and the computer sprung to life with multiple screens appearing in front. Hazel pressed her hands on the counter and looked over her shoulder before moving the mouse to the search section. Hazel typed in T-e-r-r-a-n. Dozens of names popped up with dozens of different profiles.

Hazel cleared the search and stood up straighter. "After my nap," Hazel mumbled.

 Hazel walked into the main space and walked to the window to stand by Rachel and Dick. Jason and Gar joined them and they looked over the city. "What is this place?" Rachel asked softly.

"Home," Dick answered simply.

"Dibs on the big room," Hazel piped up after a second of silence.

"No way, I get the big room," Jason spoke up.

"Keep dreamin'," Rachel countered.

"I can grow my plants in your guys' rooms if you'd like," Hazel sassed, looking back at the two.

"You can have the big room," Jason mumbled with a nod.

❝ the 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒔 will know our names ❞

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