𝟎𝟎𝟖 Helping Hand

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Ⅷ 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅

HAZEL AND GAR WALKED SILENTLY THROUGH THE APARTMENT BLOCK. Hazel paused in front of a door, reading the number. Seven. Hazel checked the address once more. Seven. Hazel nodded and Gar reached up.

He knocked on the door twice before taking a nervous breath. Gar waited another moment before knocking again. Gar looked up at Hazel who offered him a weary smile.

The doorknob started to rattle and Hazel turned to the door. The door creaked open and a girl pointed a gun at Gar and Hazel. Hazel moved in front of Gar and he gasped slightly. "It's 3:00 am. Who the fuck are you?" The girl snapped.

"Hi, Molly isn't it?" Hazel questioned, keeping her tone steady. "I'm Hazel Lillis, this is Garfield. You might have seen us on TV, were Titans. You uh, wrote a letter to Jason Todd..." Gar grabbed the letter from his pocket and passed it to Hazel over her shoulder. Hazel opened the blue paper and presented it to Molly. "It says you want to help him, we do too."

Molly slowly drew the gun back and closed the door. Gar sighed and started to turn but Hazel gripped his jacket. Gar turned back just as Molly opened the door. "Can we come in?" Hazel questioned with a smile.

"Does he talk?" Molly asked as she made space for Hazel and Gar to walk through.

"Normally yeah," Gar nodded. "Just, not with a gun at close quarters." Gar chuckled nervously.

"And Jason knows a pair of Titans how?" Molly questioned, standing with her arms crossed.

"We had friends in common," Gar shrugged.

"Had?" Molly challenged.

"It's complicated. Have you seen him lately?" Hazel asked

"Not in a while," Molly confirmed. "Last time he showed up here, he found a missing kid for me."

"And he seemed okay?" Gar continued.

"I mean, other than the whack suit? Yeah, tip-top." Molly nodded.

Gar took a deep breath, "Jason's in trouble. I need to find him."

"And then what?"

"Some people want him dead," Hazel said harshly before taking a small step closer. "We just want to help him. And I think you do, too."

"How does this happen?" Molly mumbled. "He was erratic. But he cared. Then he wakes up one day and he's just... I don't even know. It's like the old Jason died."

Hazel's eyes shot away and Gar let out a soft sigh. "When Jason came back, was there anything different about him, his voice, the way he walked?" Gar inquired.

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