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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

Ⅰ 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒃𝒔

Spencers Bowling Alley, Three hours outside of Gotham

DICK AND KORY SAT ON THE UPPER LEVELS OF THE BOLWING STAND TOGETHER. Half eaten chips, empty coke glasses and half drunk milkshakes took up most of the space. They watched the others bowl in teams. The younger Titans split into two teams, girls vs boys. Cole was a bowling genius, Gar and Conner were getting half and Tim was lucky to hit a few. Rachel and Hazel had the highest scores and Terran was hitting in spares or close to it.

Terran lined up her second shot, the luminescent bowling shoes looking ridiculous against her black boardeine gothic clothing. Closing one eye to hone in on the final three pins standing, Terran shook out her left hand. "Come on T!" Hazel cheered, clapping her hands.

"Pleas miss!" Tim called, cupping his mouth. Terran reeled her arm back and sent the ball flying. It curved to the right and bowled through the final pins.

"Yes!" Rachel yelled in excitement, clapping her hands. Terran spun, her coat flying with her as she fist-bumped the air.

"You. Up," Terran ordered pointing at Hazel.

Terran sat and Hazel stood. She scooped up the vibrant, heavy orange ball walking towards the lane. Hazel did a small shuffle run and slid the ball. Hazel crouched as the ball went straight. It barreled through the pins at lightning speed, knocking them over at once. "Oh yeah!" Hazel called jumping up, her yells of joy overpowering Cole's complaining.

Rachel jumped up next and high fived Hazel as she moved to sit. "Let's go, Rachel!" Terran hollered with a smile. The ball spun as it left Rachel's hand like Hazel and she scored a strike. Obviously. Rachel did a little dance, smiling to herself.

"How?" Gar shrieked, throwing his hands up. The girl's score was nearly double the boys and Cole had since become the whiny sibling. Hazel held her hand out Rachel spun quickly to high-five her.

"Every time," Conner groaned, slumping in his chair.

"Wow," Tim panted.

"That is just talent," Rachel cooed.

"Can you lend us some?" Cole questioned, rolling his head back.

"How did you- How did you guys even do it?" Conner questioned, reaching over to high-five Rachel.

"Pure skill," Terran hollered.

"Alright Conner, let's see you live up to the Super in your name," Hazel snarked with a smile. He pushed himself from the seat and picked up the blue bowling bowl, sending a mocking face at Hazel.

"C'mon Con!" Cole shouted, cupping his hands over his mouth.

Conner stepped up and threw the bowling bowl, resisting the urge to roll it as hard as he could. It rolled fast and his score ticked up as he got a strike. "Okay!" Conner shouted in excitement.

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