𝟎𝟏𝟏 Sometimes . . .

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

Ⅺ 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 . . .

COLE LEANED AGAINST THE TABLE, USING THE TABLET TO LOOK INTO THE LEXCORP SERVERS. Tim walked up to Cole, dropping his head on Cole's shoulder. One of his hands pressed to the table and the other ran up and down Cole's back. "You find anything?" Tim asked.

"Not much," Cole muttered. "Just a bunch of business shit."

"You look tired," Tim said, stepping back slightly.

Cole laughed dryly and looked down at Tim. "Smooth."

"No, you idiot," Tim shook his head and hit Cole's arms softly. "I'll get you some food."


"And another coffee, Double espresso one shot of Honey." Tim nodded walking away and Cole couldn't help but smile. Cole pulled the tablet closer, skim-reading the coding.

"Hey, Cole," Bernard called, running down the stairs to Cole. "LexCorp just released a video game." Bernard handed Cole a new tablet, the neon-coloured mobile game displayed on the screen, Abraxus. "Developed by Sebastion Snager."

"Why would he make a video game?" Cole questioned, glancing at Bernard.

"I don't know, all I know is it's become a global phenomenon in eight hours."

"Weird enough to look into, yeah?" Cole questioned and Bernard nodded. "I'll see what I can find." Bernard stepped away and Cole quickly searched the game, seeing nearly three billion downloads. "What makes you so addicting?" Cole muttered. He picked up the tablet and started a new game.

TIM STEPPED CLOSER TO THE AUTOMATIC DOORS, MAKING IT EASIER FOR HIM TO CARRY LUNCHES FOR HIMSELF AND COLE. "Hey, Cole," Tim called. "I picked up some burgers. Still haven't heard from Dick and Rachel. Kory ghosting isn't like-" Tim froze the food and drinks falling from his arms. "Cole!" Tim slid next to Cole's body. Tim pulled Cole's head into his lap, trying to wipe the blood dripping from his nose and ears.

"Cole!" Tim's breath doubled as he tried to shake Cole awake, but his eye refused to open. "Hey. Hey." Tim brushed Cole's hair back, trying to calm his shaking hands. "Help! Help!" Tim yelled, his voice breaking. "Someone please!" Dr Walker and Dr Esposon ran in, two others with them. "Please help..."

Dr Walker dropped next to Cole, quickly checking his pulse and breath. "He's barely breathing," She said, looking up at the two others.

"What- What's wrong with him?" Tim questioned. Dr Esponson took Tim's arm and pulled him back as they hauled Cole onto the table

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