𝟎𝟎𝟓 Cole Martin

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

Ⅴ 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏

A TERRIBLE BURNING PAIN RAN OVER HAZEL'S BONES. Hazel sat up with a strained groan. Cole rushed to her side, pushing her up. "Cole?" Hazel questioned, looking over at him. Hazel looked outside the window, the early morning sun still rising. "How-How long was I out?"

"Barley a minute, but I sent you to sleep," Cole muttered. "Gar said you still feel it after, so I let you sleep for a few extra hours." Hazel sat up properly and Cole moved next to her. "I'm sorry about Hank."

Hazel nodded softly and looked down at her hands. Cole reached over and put his arm around her shoulders, rubbing circles with his thumb against her shoulder. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this," Hazel said, messing with the rings on her fingers. "I can have a car come 'round and take you back to your house."

Cole took a breath. "I'm staying," Cole said sternly and Hazel's head snapped up to him. "My mom... she's kind of difficult, I'm also twenty, I think it's time I find the rest of my family... I just, I have to confront my mom."

Hazel nodded and forced herself to stand. "Give me ten minutes, I'll come with you," Hazel ordered and made her way to the master bath. Cole smiled to himself and stepped from Hazel's room.


"Would it be best for us to take both bikes?" Hazel questioned as she took the helmet from the seat by her bed. "We can bring two bags instead of one then."

Cole nodded and grabbed his gloves. "Smart," Cole agreed with a nod.

Gar raced down the hall, pausing as he noticed the two. "Whoa, where are you going?" Gar questioned, his hand still holding his arm.

"What happened to your arm?" Hazel questioned disregarding Gar's question.

"Oh, uh, burnt it," Gar stuttered. Hazel held her hand out and Gar held out his arm. Hazel hovered her hand over his arm and healed the fresh burns. "Thanks," Gar said with a smile. "Now, where are you going?"

"I've gotta help Cole with a few things, I'll explain everything when I get back," Hazel answered. Gar nodded, "Okay, don't go too fast."

Hazel laughed softly. She raced after Cole who had started to descend the stairs.

COLE OPENED THE DOOR TO THE SMALL APARTEMNT THAT SAT ABOVE THE COFFEE SHOP.  "Welcome to a Gotham City apartment," Cole hummed with a smile. "I'm gonna grab my stuff then we can go."

Hazel nodded and looked along a cupboard with pictures of a younger Cole. He had a large smile and slightly wonky teeth and his jaw was completely straight. Cole came back a few minutes later, a backpack in his hand. "I don't wanna grab too much so... Maybe after I meet Terran we could all go shopping," Cole suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Hazel smiled. "What about your m-"

"Cole Andrew Martin!" A shrill voice called, echoing up the stairs

"Mom," Cole mumbled. He moved his gaze to Hazel who moved from the doorway. "Just let me handle it." A woman in her mid-forties walked through the door, stopping as she took in the new face.

"Cole, who is this?" The woman questioned, pointing at Hazel.

Cole sighed softly, "This is Hazel, my sister." Cole's mother straightened and her eyes scanned Hazel. "Mom I'm leaving. I have another sister, I can learn more about my dad, my powers."

Cole's mother sighed. "Cole..."

"Mom just listen for a sec."

"No! Cole, you listen to me," Nina snapped. "You will not leave for a stranger you just met." Cole took a breath and looked back at Hazel.

Hazel gave him a nod and Cole took a breath, "Mom just let me-"


Hazel took a breath and stepped forward. "Miss Martin, if I may," Hazel started. "It's not just me taking Cole and going on a wild goose chase. I have friends, a team we look after each other like family."

Cole's mother sighed, her eyes shooting between Hazel and Cole. "What if he gets hurt?" Nina questioned, her voice cracking slightly.

"I can heal people, with my powers," Hazel answered. "So does another one of my friends. I swear Miss Martin, Cole will be safe."

His mother nodded. "Give me a moment with him." Hazel nodded and took Cole's bag.

"I'll wait by the bikes," Hazel nodded.

Cole turned his attention back to his mom and smiled. "I'll be safe mom," Cole promised. "I always am." Nina nodded and embraced Cole in a tight hug. "I'll still call you mom, I'm not just abandoning you."

"I know honey, it's just hard," Nina muttered.

Cole turned down the alley smiling as he caught up to Hazel. "That went a lot smoother than I expected," Cole hummed.

"Let's go for a ride, clear your head," Hazel suggested. "Maybe you can show me around Gotham."

❝ shall we show them what 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒔 can do ? ❞

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