08 | Cherry Blossom Petals

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That's the last zipper of the last supply bag of things on the volleyball court, we're packed up.

That's when Kiyo, the team members, and I start walking out onto the school campus.

"I'm excited for the tournament, to be honest!" Reon says.

"I am too!" Goshiki replies.

"I'm sure you'll crush it," Kiyo says. They are a very coordinated team. I don't know anything about this tournament. I'll ask Kiyo later.

We all start splitting up. Some first years went here, second years there. Kiyo, Tendo, Ushijima, and I are left.

Tendo heads towards the dorms saying, "I'll see you tomorrow!"

We wave him goodbye and walk out the gates.

"Oh, gosh! I just remembered my mom needs me to pick up a few things from the convenience store. I need to head there right now. I'll see you around!"

And she runs off before I could say anything. It's just me and Ushijima now, again. Funny how fate works.

"How's literature going for you?" I ask, hands clasped together behind my back.

"It's going very smoothly, it's gradually getting easier to understand."

"Really? I'm so glad I could be of help to you."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

He's silent, a bit frustrated. He seems stressed, his eyebrows scrunched together. "There's a test."

"Hm?" I hum.

"Mrs. Ito is giving me another chance with a test that'll be worth 50% of my graduating grade. I don't know what to do."

He looks at me, a worry soaking those olive eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll start bringing out more advanced work and you'll get through it." He needs hope.

"I hope so."

"You will," I insist.

"Let's look and see when the next lesson is." I take my phone out and open the schedule. The breeze causes my breath to come out in puffs of white, my nose's tip absolutely frozen.

"It's in two weeks." I squint.

"Is that bad?"

"Oh, no. It's a just coincidence that it's on my birthday. March 21st."

"It's okay if you want to cancel. I understand," he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"No, of course not. I don't have anything planned anyway. I'd love to."

I notice the sun setting, shouldn't he be home?

"Do you live anywhere near here?" He looks around and pauses before slowly saying, "I, I live down the street. Same direction as you." Weird, I don't usually see him walk by.

"Right. So, how about then, we extend the lesson by an hour to work even more?"

"That works for me." We keep walking, until we reach a bright cherry blossom tree. It's so beautiful, almost ready.

"It's blooming," I find myself smiling.

"What?" He speaks slowly. I look at him, at his perplexed expression, and explain.

"The cherry blossom tree. Usually it blooms a bit later in the spring." I clutch at my bag's strap as it swings down my side.

The current makes its way to the side walk we stand on. It plays around with my hair. What terrible timing.

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