11 | Laughter

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Everyone is here, gathering around. We sit in a booth, at the corner of the coffee shop. We're all in sweaters and jackets, suitable for the cold weather outside.

Kiyo and Hayato are sitting next to each other, and I swear I saw them holding hands under the table.

It's a fun night. I actually feel happy after a while of feeling the contrasting opposite.

Kiyo and Hayato are talking about uncountable topics and they are getting to know each other even more. In their own little world.

On the other hand, Kai, Yu, and Goshiki are arguing over who will be the next ace of the team. More specifically, they're fighting over their numbers. Yunohama and Semi are talking about epic serves they made in games. Reon and Jin are telling Yusho about the motivation and dedication you need to become a strong wing spiker and overall player. Jin's blonde hair looks pale under the dim lights, and Semi's sweater has a cool vintage pattern.

Tendo and I are cracking jokes and laughing until till our stomachs hurt. We're explaining some of those jokes to Ushijima, too.

Tendo is cackling while I explain one of our jokes to him in between unstoppable laughter. His red hair is a ruffled mess, his head on the table as he bangs it with his hand.

"We were, we were saying that Coach Washijo looks like the guy that claps when the plane lands."

Tendo and I hold on to each other for support. The joke is stupid but the way Tendo says it so confidently kills me. It takes him a while to get it, but Ushijima laughs too.

We show him the meme we're talking about. Tendo has a meme gallery on his phone, as I expected.


I expected the night to be me and Tendo talking about volleyball and our plans, but Hana is with us. She keeps making jokes with him which is quite a sight.

I remember her being funny in the past, but she isn't really like this in school. She's more stern, but seeing this side of her is something extraordinary. Mesmerizing, almost.

She's explaining a joke but I'm solely distracted by her smile. It feels unusual when I hear her harmonic laugh and see it align with her smile. I wish to see it more often. I would give anything to be the one behind her laughter.

I feel like I've lived this moment before.

I'm laughing at their jokes up and down, but the first years' conversation caught my attention.

"Look, you boys are great, but we all know I've got the best talent among us all. It's clear the title of the ace is made for me," Goshiki smirks, flaring out his flannel's collar.

"Oh really? You cried when Ushiwaka told you to be careful when he spikes from the other side of the net." Kai exposes him. Goshiki pulls up his sleeves.

"Don't think we didn't see you wiping your tears in the corner of the gym," Yu teases, running a hand through his hair.

My god, these boys are violent when it comes to who becomes the ace after me. Do they want to get rid of me that badly? A sarcastic thought goes through my head.

The waiter waiter brings in a tray with all of our sweets and drinks. This can't be healthy.


That night ends off on a good note. We had fun, drank lots of coffee, but we bonded too. I found out a bunch of things about everyone, I felt wanted by friends.

In the end, most of the team goes home. It's me, Hayato, Kiyo, Reon, and Wakatoshi. Before Tendo leaves, he nods towards Reon and Kiyo.

It's around 9:30 p.m.

We are now sitting outside on some benches, waiting for our rides.

Hayato then said, "I'm pretty tired, I think I should head home. I'm dropping you off, Kiyomi."

"That's my cue! Good night, everyone," Kiyo waves, nodding at Reon. They leave, what is up with the nodding?

I don't know what to do now, I'm still here with Reon and Wakatoshi. I called him by his first name a few times. He assured me that it's fine, and that he prefers that anyway.

Reon's phone rings. He picks it up, walks around while talking on the phone, and tells us his ride is down the street and that he needs to go. And so, he does.

"I think I'll call it a night, I should get home. Thank you for having me." We stand up and I look up at him, truly grateful.

"It was a very pleasant night, thanks to you and Tendo's jokes. I'm glad you came, you should join us more. We consider you a great friend."

It feels that way, the members of the team and I have been getting closer over the past month. I have been doing lots of manager work with Kiyo.

I've been preparing the videos and footage of their competing teams' most important matches for them to observe. I've also been keeping track with their statistics and progress.

"I'm glad. I appreciate it, Wakatoshi. I'll see you at our next lesson tomorrow." I smile, inevitably happy. He runs a hand through his brown hair.

We say our goodbyes and I walk away into the night. I call a cab and head home, with only the happiest thoughts in my mind. I enjoyed it, and I'm grateful to have friends like them.

Author: Soup is so good when you have a cold

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