02 | Classes and Kiyomi

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I remember to fix my posture like how Mother said earlier today when I walk toward the third year building in a rush. Lost in thought, I rush to my next class with my bag hitting the side of my leg.

I shove my cellphone into my bag while I walk into math class and people still haven't arrived from first period. Phew!

"Miss Takahashi!" Mr. Watanabe exclaims, he's the most understanding teacher among my teachers.

"Good morning, Mr. Watanbe! I hope you were told about my excuse?"

"Yes, I was. You can submit your homework early before the others arrive."

I quickly open my bag and slip out a bunch of papers.

"I have today and tomorrow's homework ready, I had some free time to finish it."

"Excellent as usual! I expected nothing less." I hand him the paper.

He looks very impressed with my work. That impressed look on his face and all my other teacher's faces is something I crave to see after I worked so neatly and hard to amaze everyone. I take a seat in the middle of class, at my usual spot. I take out all my things while the sound of footsteps and voices and the bell floods my ears. And in come my classmates.

I wait impatiently for Kiyomi to come. Where is she? Her notes are still with me after I missed math class a while ago for an appointment.

She walks through the door with a smile, an extroverted sunshine ray. I stand up as she walks in waving, her short black hair breezing behind her. She instantly wraps her arms around me and squeezes me into a tight hug.


"Hana! Where were you this morning? My passing notes were left empty this morning."

"Well, we had literature so you know I wouldn't have responded. I have to pay attention," I smile.

I whisper, "An appointment."

Kiyo quickly nods and gives me a faint smile. I know she isn't expecting the best news so I nod with a stoic expression and she immediately understands. She consoles me by rubbing my back but I take her hand and I say, "Don't you worry, I'll be just fine. I forgot to give you your notes from last week. Here you are!"

I hand them to her as Mr. Watanabe begins quieting the class.

Me and Kiyo are quite frankly the best in our class, we have the highest grades. We're the most active, and we're the smart-girl duo in the grade. When we met, it was back in elementary school. She was also waiting on her parents to come and pick her up.

"Are you waiting on your parents too?" She says. Her long black hair was pulled back in a braid, with two colorful clips parallel to each other by her temple.

"Yes," I nod, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

"I'm Kiyomi Nakamura! What's your name?"

"I'm Hana Takahashi."

She takes a bite of her sandwich and sees me staring at my shoes.

"I have crackers. Want some?" She smiles, crumbs on her cheek.

Ever since, me and Kiyo have become inseparable. We lived close and she would always come over, considering Mother wasn't home sometimes. Our favorite place in middle school was the library, I was a book worm and she loved reading the scientific books.

All these years, Kiyo has been there for me during my struggles. And I was there for her when her parents divorced. In fact, she slept at my house and we watched the astonishing rain fall that night. And now, in our third year of high school, we're connected at the hip. She's the team manager for the boys' volleyball team. I like to join sometimes since I get to stay out and enjoy more time with her. The zooming and flying balls are scary, so I keep a distance. They're a powerful team, it's no wonder we're a powerhouse school.

Mr. Watanabe is continuing with the final chapter of our lesson and he gives us a seriously difficult equation. I remember in a split second that I wrote down all the formulae to solve an equation like this. Why not give it a try?

I slip the note out and stick it down on my desk.

"I'll give you all a minute or two to try to figure it out," Mr. Watanabe says quietly before sitting down.

On the other hand, I'm speeding through it. I am determined to figure it out. I re-write the equation on my notebook, writing down a sloppy title.

I scribble and scribble as if my life is depending on it. I know my confidence does.

I circle the answer frantically and my hand shoots up in the air.

"What do you think the answer could be, Takahashi?"

I declare my answer proudly, praying I didn't blurt it out loudly for it to be incorrect.

"Let me see..." Mr. Watanabe looks back at the key answer on his desk and his eyes widen. Oh, shoot.

"That's the correct answer! Wonderful job, Takahashi."

Kiyo pats my back with excitement.

"Do you think you can come up to the board and explain it?" Mr. Watanabe asks.

"Sure," I grin.

Author: everyone needs a Kiyo

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