25 | Poetry

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During my last period which is a free period, I sit alone in the school courtyard. I finish my literature homework before I decide to reopen the poem topic. I truly believe that I would be in the same confusion. I take out my notebook from my bag's side pocket and begin thinking while my finger touches and wraps around my necklace. That's when I get an idea. Love could be a topic. Reading all of those psychology paragraphs gave me the exact topic I'm looking for.

It's a wide topic, but I can narrow it, especially with Mrs. Ito's help. I ask the substitute of the free period if I can go to Mrs. Ito's classroom. Why not ask her now? I can write the most impressive poem I can if I start early. Pulling my posture together, I get permission and walk to the building.

Knocking on her classroom's door, I'm granted permission to enter. It occurs to me that Wakatoshi is still taking his exam and is missing last period for it. That's just how important it is. He's sitting there with a determined face.

He's surprised to see me, but turns back to the exam paper. He's sitting with his legs outstretched under the desk, ankles crossed, writing eagerly with a pen. I enter the classroom with a smile.

"Mrs. Ito?"

"Yes, Takahashi? Come in." I go to her desk.

"I finally have a topic for my poem, but I need your guidance."

"That's great. What do you need help with?"

At last, I have my long-awaited topic for the literature competition. It's all organized and ready. Points, details, all of the devices are coming together in my head. To set the right mood, I plug in my headphones and begin working on my poem in my spot at the courtyard. I'm alone, tranquil, and in the perfect mood.

I know that this is the perfect time to create the best poem to blow my teachers away. They're all going to be there once the results are announced. This is the perfect opportunity. It'll be unforgettable. I'll honor my family and our name. I'll be enough for all of them.

I may be greedy for wanting such validation and praise, but in a family like mine, I'm not anything if I'm not perfect. That's the price I have to pay, but I won't. I'll impress them, I swear.

I scribble away. That's when a familiar figure approaches me in silence. I look up to see him.

"Oh, Wakatoshi. How was the exam?"

"It was good. I think I did well," he says.

Noticing the empty yard, I continue. "Really? Hold on, what time is it?"

"The last bell rang a few minutes ago. I'm headed to practice, want to join me?"

"I'll walk you there, but I can't stay today. Kiyo's absent, and I've got some things to take care of."

He shakes his head with refusal, telling me I'm not a bother.

I pack up the rest of my things and we walk together to the gym. "What were you working on back there? Seems important if you didn't hear the dismissal bell," he chuckles.

"I was working on my poem for the literature competition. I found a topic. You can't blame me, I was in full focus mode."

He nods with agreement. "What is it about?"

"Oddly enough, love. I'm most likely going to change the topic."

"That's interesting," he hums.

We make a stop in front of the gym doors when he finishes our conversation.

"Whatever the topic is, I'm sure it'll be mind blowing. Your poetry always is."

He walks in while I contain myself and pressed my palms against my cheeks. I walk down to the gate and saunter home.

Author: There is nothing more pleasing in this universe than finding appreciation, seeing all your appreciative votes and reads truly give my day a touch of joy and happiness. I'm honored to say that we are approaching the 30th chapter, I never thought we'd make it this far! (ᵔᴥᵔ)

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