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March 7th

The plan's settled, then!

March 19th, 7:22 a.m.

Hey hey, Kiyomi! Mind sending me the Physics notes from yesterday?

Sure! On one condition, though.

Which is? Please go easy on me. I can't fail the next test.

Do you have a car?


Actually, do you own a convertible? Preferably a van?


I also need a personal driver for a day.

My parents have a van and I can drive.

That's even better.

You want a van for yourself?

Obviously not, Satori. Wakatoshi wants to take the whole team on a trip to the beach. He has the whole thing planned, and I offered to get the transportation covered. Are you in?

Hell yeah! But when?

The 21st.

Works for me. Pray my parents will let me borrow it, though. How come Wakatoshi planned all of this?

Hana's birthday is on the 21st and she always talked to me about going to the beach someday. She's never been before. Wakatoshi wanted to surprise her with something, and I told him about this. I want to make it a happy day for her, you know?

That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. It's a great idea. Let's do it!


I'm willing to drive. You should definitely tell the team today so they can clear their schedules. Kai and Yusho have boxing on weekends.

Got it. Here are the Physics notes!

Kiyomi lays on her bed lazily, texting Wakatoshi and Tendo at the same time. She cleans up her room. Around twenty minutes later, she receives notifications from the volleyball team's group chat. The second one.

Shiratorizawa's Volleyball Team Group Chat (2)

March 18th

You guys have a practice match against Aoba Johsai soon! You better wipe that annoying smirk off of Oikawa's face, or I'll do it myself.

March 19th, 7:47 a.m.

Since me and Yu can't come to an agreement, can I ask a question to finish this fight once and for all?

We need an answer.

It's 7 in the morning, the crack of dawn. What are you two squabbling about again?

Go on, go on!

Shonen Jump mangas suck.


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