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"Love, please. I know women usually need lengthy amounts of time to get ready, but we're already five minutes late," Wakatoshi says from behind the bathroom door.

"I swear I'm almost done," I lie.

I put the backing in the earring, looking intently at the mirror. My dress is still unzipped and I'm applying my lipstick. My short heels are on. At least the jewelry is partly on?

Ruffling through the jewelry box, I pick out my favorite rings. I slip on the last one, two interlacing loops that sit on top of each other.

There's no sound after the door is opened, curiosity draws my eyes towards it. Wakatoshi leans on the doorframe, his lean figure dressed in a black tailored suit that accentuates his muscles and narrow waist. Shining shoes, a silver vintage watch I can see slightly, hands in his pockets. His hair is combed back, besides the two clumps of strands falling forcefully to the front. His soft lips are ajar.

It's almost funny, having to turn away and hide in my hair because I'm flushed with color. I've been in this position too many times. My eyelids fly wide as I remember my bare back is exposed. He fixes his cufflinks.

There's nothing like a perfect red lip, my cupid's bow always looks so much more defined. My hair is in loose curls with a side part. I'm in a long, navy cap-sleeve dress for the day. I admit I'm a stay-in kind of person, but going out every once in a while is nice. Looking put together makes me feel put together. I put the lipstick away and zip up the bag.

"Can you help me with the zipper?" I turn to him as he approaches me.


The clicking of his shoes is the only sound in the room besides the stolen breathing. He stands behind me and I pull my hair to the front, entirely exposing my back. I look at him through the mirror in front of us as he takes hold of the zipper.

The dress doesn't close. My breath evaporates when he touches me. He steals a touch at the base of my spine, dangerously low. I bite my lip as he runs his knuckles up my bare back, trying to hold myself together. I feel shivers caress my spine as he strokes the curve of it.

I gasp when his firm hands grip my bare waist from the inside of the dress and he kisses the crook of my neck. His soft lips on my skin make me lose my track of thought and I think that every fiber in me should resist. I watch him grow wild in his display of affection, kissing my body hungrily. I peel his hand from my waist, gasping out, "Wakatoshi, please, we have an event to attend."

The sound of the zipper echoes as I look at myself in the mirror, flustered and in shambles. The dress tightens around my torso as the zipper runs higher and higher. He brings my hair to the back and fluffs it around.

I run my hands up my stomach and fix the neckline. I turn around and face him, leaning backwards against the sink.

He scans me up and down, staring at my now evident curves, my hair, my face. "You're beautiful and marvelous, as you always are," he says darkly. His hair, his body, his stoic expression. It's so masculinely attractive I'm weak at the knees. His hands are fixed in his pockets as he steps dangerously close.

We're inches apart, challenging each other to see who cracks first. I steal a glance at his lips on instinct. A hand slides up my hip and curves around to the small of my back, refusing to let go.

He pulls me close until I'm fully pressed against him, looking up. His body is tough against me, tall and lean. His free hand twirls a strand of hair around and handles it softly. He lets out a hum and smirks in the most attractive way known to man. He leans in to kiss me. Not happening with this lipstick on. I press two fingers to his lips. His eyes open.

"Please, let me kiss you once." His eyes soften with affection. He's an addict. I run my fingers across his face to tuck back rogue strands of hair at his ear.

"I'm sorry, I can't afford to mess up my lipstick tonight." I tilt my head sideways.

He mumbles a flat and disappointed 'okay.' Caressing my jaw, his thumb touches my lower lip.

His finger has a swatch of dark red as he pulls it away. He digs into both my eyes, searching hungrily, as he kisses the pad of his thumb. Refusing to break eye contact, teasing me right back. There's a banter growing between us that I love, a little more playful, now that things are a bit different. He always finds a way to make me flustered. There's a tiny bit of lipstick on his lips now.

He looks messy, those two strands swinging around, his cheeks and breath bursting with heat.

I reach up and wipe it away. He grabs that hand and kisses it, pressing it against his cheek and leaning into it. He picks up the scent of the pear perfume I sprayed on my wrist and pauses steadily, just for a moment. Spacing out, his eyes then drooping a little, his lips curve upwards in a shape I find adorable.

"We're going to be late, aren't we?" I squirm out of his grip and drag him out the door.


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