55 | Waves

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Shiratorizawa's Volleyball Team Groupchat
June 24th

No, Yu, you're not taking my jersey.

June 25th

Do we need more than two bottles of sunscreen?

That's plenty, trust me.

I'm so psyched!

Today, June 26th

I parked the van at the G7 parking lot. Please remind me, or we won't have a ride home.

Where are you guys??? @Ushijima @Hana

We're almost there!!
The line was way too long, so we're running a bit late.

I'm not surprised it's packed today, that barbecue is PHENOMENAL.

It's worth the wait, though! We got more ribs and a new cut to try this time. My idea.


No. Back off.

Risky game you're playing there, buddy!

~Suzuki has deleted a message

Oooooh someone's jealoussss.

Leave him be, you three!

(Message liked by Suzuki)

Have you guys set up?

Yup, Semi's setting up the net and Yunohama's grabbing the last of the stuff from the van.

None of us will be getting sunburns like last time. Or a tan. Or anything close, for that matter.
*Photo of Hayato covering Goshiki's face in sunscreen*

*Meme of milk face cat*



*Photo of Kai on his knees with his face in the sand, laughing*

Now that is the best photo I have ever seen.

That's how you know the joke's funny.

~Yu has updated their profile picture to the photo of Kai


~Yusho has updated their profile picture to the photo of Kai

Sucks to be you, Kai.

~Kai has updated their profile picture to the photo of sunscreen-covered Goshiki

*Photo of middle school Kai with a knocked-out front tooth*

I stand corrected! This is the best photo I've ever seen.

Sooo I'm guessing you want to be doxxed Goshiki?

You say that as he's sitting right next to you?

We're struggling to keep track of the GPS on Wakatoshi's phone because he has to keep swiping the notifications away.
There was a wrong turn somewhere and we're seriously contemplating eating the food. Please settle this war once and for all through a chicken fight, preferably after we eat.

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