10 | Out

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Last night was a pure blur. I'm absolutely worn out, to say the least. But, it's a Wednesday. The week's not over yet. I'm walking to school now, I still feel weak everywhere.

I walk through Shiratorizawa's gates and onto campus, taking deep breaths and maintaining my posture. Kiyo comes earlier than usual. Earlier than me. She runs over to me excitedly.


"Oh? Good morning, Kiyo."

Before Kiyo can continue, Tendo walks over to us, accompanied by Ushijima.

"Good morning!" He says.

"Good morning, Tendo," Kiyo says.

Conversation flows like normal. Tests, assignments, more tests. Sports, food, blah.

We all continue walking. "Kiyomi, the team is all going out tonight for coffee. Want to join us?"

"Only if Hana's coming!" she insists.

"I was just about to say that. Both of you should come," Tendo says.

"What do you say, Hana?" She looks over to me, a dazzling star. Her blouse is freshly ironed, her hair sleek and neat.

"Sure." I can barely spit the word out. My mouth feels disgusting, even though it's clean. I feel disgusting.

It kills me, how they don't know. They don't know I woke up in my uniform, puffy from tears, forgetting to brush my teeth last night. My hair is in a ponytail, but only because it got so tangled I couldn't let it down.

We enter the building.

"If you'll excuse me," I walk away with a smile and head towards the bathroom.

"We'll beat you to class," she laughs dryly, a faint worry snaps in and out of her face.

I go to a stall and close the toilet seat. I sit down and take a deep breath that isn't so deep after all, not relieving me of anything.

What is going on with me? I'm overreacting, I'm fine. Why am I feeling weird? My medicine is in another 6 hours.

I brush the feeling off and head out. I walk out the bathroom after rinsing my face, but I find someone standing outside, waiting. I expect it to be Kiyo, but it's him.

"Wakatoshi?" I say his first name unexpectedly. Shoot. It slipped out. He doesn't react, his face is placid.

"What are you doing here? I thought the boys restroom was down the hall?" I ask, dumbfounded.

I hear Tendo give him a little nudge before leaving with a wink.

"They are. I was just waiting for you."

I remember I can't allow anyone to perceive my exhaustion. My tone changes, positively of course.

"Do you need anything?" I ask plainly.

"The school play," he clears his throat.

"What about it?"

We go up the stairs together.

"It's based off a literature play. Mrs. Ito has suggested that I join it for extra credit and I did, but I can't do it. I've seen you in plays before, and I don't want to ask you to join, but I was hoping you would be able to help me. I've never acted before. I understand if you don't want to, I rely on you a lot. Too much," he scratches the back of his neck.

"I appreciate your thought of me, Ushijima. It isn't a burden at all. I will gladly help you. I only can when we have our tutoring lessons, though."

"That's perfect, thank you."

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