18 | Plans and Preparation

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After the late arrival of Taichi, who went to buy snacks, and Yusho, the team is finally complete. They're sitting around in Tendo's room.

Kai asks, "Wait, where's Ushijima?"

"He's bringing Hana," Kiyomi responds.

"We are all aware of Kiyomi and I's plan, right?" Tendo says.

With agreement all around, Tendo continues. "So, we want them to come together. Only the miracle boy knows of this trip. This trip is a complete surprise."

He puts his hands together and pulls a fancy face, like he and Kiyomi are planning an assassination.

"They have a tutoring lesson right now, so we have time to get there before them and set up," Kiyomi says.

"All we've got to do is to send him a message of where to go. He needs to stall. Any ideas?" Tendo's question is trickier to answer than he thought. He's about to panic when Yu speaks up.

"The beach's location?" Yu suggests.

"No, you airhead. It'll be weird if he randomly wants to take her somewhere without her asking. Plus, it's a surprise." Hayato says, smacking Yu's head.

"What about we make him seem like a millionaire with a beachside house for them to go to?" Goshiki says desperately.

"Let's not burden him with an Aladdin act," Yunohama pats his back sweetly.

"Why not just set them up on a date in the restaurants near the beach?" Jin says.

"That'll be weird. But when they finally go on one, as most of us have been praying, you'll be in on the planning," Kiyomi points a finger at Jin and scratches her chin wisely.

"I have an idea related to that," Reon speaks up.

"What is it?" Tendo asks.

"Come on, man, we need to figure something quick. Spit it out, Reon!" Kai yells out of frustration, scratching his head that has buzz-cut hair.

"Maybe we can send him a location of a restaurant near the beach, and say that we need him to get food for us. Kiyomi can even ask Hana to get something."

"That's not bad," Goshiki says with a hilarious expression.

"We'll tell him to say that we're out in the city for a meeting in the city library, so we can discuss tactics and stuff for our next game. Not too fishy, not too detailed, and makes us seem smart." Reon lays back, lacing his fingers together, and puts them behind his head. He even props his right ankle on his knee.

"I've already packed Hana's stuff from when I visited her last night too so this works. I stole her swimsuit while she was grabbing a snack," Kiyomi snickers.

Suddenly, the first years begin to bow in front of him. They thank him for making them look smart.

"It's an amazing idea, Reon," Suzuki cheers.

"What detailed thinking!" Umeda preaches with an exaggerative accent. Shirabu drops his face in his hands, grumbling.

"What a mind you have, our upperclassman!" Goshiki throws his fists in the air.

"We thank you," Yu curtseys like an Englishman, sarcastically.

"What is happening, people?" Kiyomi says with outstretched arms.

And so, the plan is set and the message is sent. They gather around a singular screen. All of them.

The tension of the team, who are surrounding Tendō's phone like rabid animals, is released when the 'send' button is pressed.

"I did it. The plan is in motion," Tendo yelps with joy.

"Let's do this!" Suzuki says, grabbing the bags. Snacks and sunscreen, bathing suits, towels, it was all prepared prior. All that's left is to go!

In no time, the excitement pushes them to load their bags into the trunk quickly and get on the road. While Shirabu is setting up the GPS in the passenger's seat, Tendo reverses out of the driveway.

"How does that one saying go? Let's get this show on the street going?" Suzuki says.

"What?" Umeda stands up from his seat, which is directly behind Suzuki, to look at him.

"Show on the road." Jin, who was sitting next to him, pats his back and laughs. Jin is one of the best in English. He likes its colloquialism and casualty.

"I will never understand these sayings, will I?" Suzuki sadly remarks.

"Never say never, kid!" Jin encourages, yelling out to him, a seat ahead.

Author: i love these guys i swear

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