24 | Symptoms

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Today is ordinary like any other. Burdensome, tiring, yet I can still manage to please those around me with a dashing smile and success. When I get home, it all flips.

I know that something is off about me. Usually, I'm calm and composed around everyone. But when I'm around that someone, Wakatoshi, I feel happier and just more lively. I can be my true self around him. I get nervous when he laughs and smiles, when he's sweet, when he touches me on accident.

I want a medical solution on why I've been feeling unusual lately. The flaming cheeks, the delayed speech, the pounding pulse. What is up with me? I dig deep in the internet to search if even my prescribed pills have side effects that cause me to feel this way around him.

I took a quiz. It was super random, but it said I have stomach cancer. Thanks, Google. I have to check one last source.

"You love him!"

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it," Kiyo squeals.

"I hate to break it to you, but you're convinced because you keep shipping us since the first moment we made eye contact."

"That's not it, Hana."

"Oh, yeah? Prove it," I challenge her.

"He was making sure you're safe on the beach, kept checking up on you, took you for a swim, took hours to choose a gift for you, and ended up getting you a custom one. It has your favorite flower, Hana. Come on. He remembered the details. Plus, I can see it."

"See what?"

"The love in your eyes. It's only when you're around him that there's a certain spark in your eyes. You get all flustered sometimes and you seem happier. It's crystal clear. We used to ship you guys since the beginning, but we gave you guys space on your own."

"Who's we?" I ask. A freudian slip.

"No one," she stops promptly, usually the sign that Kiyo's lying.

"We both suck at lying. Spit it out."

"Me and Tendo. We've been-"

"Setting us up. I could tell." I finally realize it, a key unlocking all the confusion. The hand signs, the sudden changes, the eye contact, all of it finally makes sense.

"Caught me red-handed! But, look at where it's gotten you two. Besides all the plans, texts, and instantaneous signals, you two had most of the time on your own. You know that. We didn't set up going to the backyard, or the dancing, like you said. It came naturally and you better believe it, Hana. You're in love."

I sit there for a moment, thinking. "Finally see it?" she asks.

"No," I respond stubbornly.

"Well, you set me up with Hayato and helped me with my confession. I'm happier than ever with him, thanks to you. That's what immediately made me see it so clearly."

I hear a sleepy groan and a voice saying, "I remember it. Every word."

"Hayato woke up?" I ask.

"Looks like it. He's been quite sick. He came over last night to have dinner with me and Mom. He's been sleeping on the couch in my room."

"Guessing you both aren't coming to school today?"

I woke up earlier today, and I have a bunch of time to spare before walking to school.

"He's needs someone to take care of him, poor thing," she says.

"Oddly, I'm at ease. I'm going to head to school, I'll see you soon."

"Glad I could help, Hana. Don't have too much fun at school without me. Could you take down notes in Physics for me?" she laughs.

"Don't you worry."

"I'll talk to you later," she says.

"Bye, Kiyo." I hang up the phone.

I get ready and walk to school. I leave the thoughts behind as I walk into campus.

"Do well on the exam, ace!" I say to Wakatoshi who walks past me in the hall as usual. His eyes soften.

"Wish me luck." He walks towards Mrs. Ito's classroom to take the exam we've studied for, the one for half of his graduating grade.

"Oh, Wakatoshi?"

"Yes, Hana?" He responds.

"When's the play again?"

"It is two days from now, at four o'clock."

"I'll be there." I smile but my head spins again. Slowly, it's gotten worse. With everything coming up, I don't pay too much attention to it.

It's like he knows what to do. He immediately holds my right arm with his left hand and my other palm securely with his right. I hold onto him for support, leaning forward. He's strong enough to keep me standing with eyes. My gaze drops to my sneakers, my vision doubling and reuniting.

"Are you okay?" He comes close to inspect with a worried look and lightly tinted ears.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Go take that exam," I laugh.

"Okay, I'll see you around." He walks away, still looking a bit worried. His broad back gets smaller as he leaves, with his hair ruffled at the top of his head.

I look down at my palm as I walk away. It lingers at the sense of his touch.

I'm ill. I'm definitely ill, somehow.

Author: I aspire to find someone like this Wakatoshi. I wanna fall in love 😫


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