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CHAPTER 7: Vasco's blind date

Jona got bored staying at her room. Their teacher wouldn't come because they have a meeting so Jona decided to go to the fashion department.

When Jona arrived at the fashion department, she saw Mira and others cleaning at their room.

'Oh. Seems like they're busy', Jona doesn't want to bother them so she just walked through the hallway, not knowing where she's going.

When she spotted Jace, she quickly approached him.

"Hi Jace!", Jona greeted.

"Jona! Thank goodness!", Jace felt relieved when he saw Jona which made her confused.

"Help me.. No.. I mean.. Please help Vasco with his blind date tomorrow", Jace said with an embarrassed face.

"Oh", Jona looked at Vasco who was behind Jace, sitting while looking like a homeless man.

"Sure. But what happened to him?".

"Leonn Lee kicked him", Jace sighed which made Jona chuckle.

"Alright", Jona then approached Vasco and gave him an advice on what he should do on his blind date.

Hours later. Jona arrived at her apartment. She looked at the mirror and frowned.

"Gosh. Look at these fats", she complained as she pinches her belly and her arms.

"Guess I have to go to the gym then", Jona changed her clothes and went to the nearby gym.

'Wow. This gym looks nice', Jona looked around with amusement.

She then spotted a girl with a boy cut hair, punching and kicking so hard at the punching bag.

'How harsh', she thought then went to the treadmill.

As she was running, she can hear the whine of the girl. Her whines started to annoy Jona so she stopped running and approached her.

"Miss?", Jona approached the girl nicely. When the girl looked at her, Jona's jaw dropped.

"What?! L-L-Leonn!? You- You- You're a girl!?", Jona couldn't believe what she saw.

"H-H-Hey! Don't tell the Burn knuckles about this!", Leonn began to panic.

"I won't. But why do you have to pretend that you're a boy?", Jona asked her with concern.

"Because I want to be close with him. If I act and look like a boy, I can join burn knuckles and I'll get close to him", Leonn said sadly.

Even though Leonn didn't mention his name, she already have an idea of who he is.

"I see. I kinda admire you.", Jona said with a smile.

"Hah! He's going on with a blind date tomorrow and it really pisses me off", Leonn said while gritting her teeth and clenching her fist.

Jona couldn't say anything so she just patted her back.

*A day after*

Vasco's blind date finally happened.

Vasco looks so dashing the moment he appeared and approached the girl.

Jona, together with Leonn and Jace, followed Vasco secretly. Everytime they witness Vasco's clumsiness, Jona and Jace will just shake their head or make a face palm, looking so disappointed while Leonn laughed so hard.

'Gosh! You're so happy it wouldn't work', Jona thought as she looked at Leonn with a meh expression.

Jona stopped thinking when she heard a loud splash from a car. She looked at Vasco and saw him hugging the girl while his clothes are so wet.

'Wow! He's such a gentleman! That girl is so lucky!', Jona looked amused.

"It worked! It's a miracle!", Jace exclaimed.

Leonn got irritated that she kicked Jace's calf and left.

"Ow! What the hell is wrong with him!? He's always like that.", Jace said as he touched his calf.

"I think I should go right now Jace", Jona said and waved goodbye to Jace.

She then went to the direction where Leonn went. When she arrived at the river, she saw Leonn crying. She was about to approach her to console her but the sound of a firework made her stop walking.

"There you are. You're late.", Vasco said as he approaches Leonn.

'Ooooh. It feels like I'm watching a romance movie right now', Jona chuckled.

Minutes later, Jona saw Leonn popping a firework on Vasco's clothes. Vasco kept running while Leonn kept on chasing.

'How lucky. When am I going to have that kind of love? A love that's genuine and pure.', Jona felt a bit of jealousy as she watches them but she's still happy that she saw Leonn smiled.

Vasco saw Jona watching them which made him stop.

"Oh Jona! Why are you here?", Vasco asked. Leonn also stopped chasing him.

"Ah. I was just passing by haha. Have fun you two!", Jona waved at them and she mouthed Leonn a 'good luck' which made Leonn blushed so hard.

"Oh and vasco", Jona paused when she remembered something.

"What is it Jona?", Vasco asked.

"Try paying more attention to those people who are close to you. Cause who knows? One of them might become your future wife one day", Jona said with a smile.

"what? But all of my close friends are boys. I don't marry a boy. I want a girl.", Vasco said in confusion.

Jona just shook her head and left while waving her hand. Vasco got confuse even more because of what she said.

When Jona arrived at her apartment, she saw the landlady walking down the stairs.

"Good evening ma'am", jona greeted her and bowed.

"Good evening Jona! I have a good news!", she said excitedly.

"what is it ma'am?", jona asked confusedly.

"you have a new neighbor! I think he's around your age. And oh! He's a handsome young boy!", she said happily.

"really? Where's his room?", Jona asked.

"oh! His room is beside yours but he's not in his room right now. He went somewhere and I think he wouldn't be back for days." the landlady said.

"is that so? I'll just wait for him then.", jona said.

She then went to her room and flopped off her bed.

'I wonder who that guy is. I hope we'll get along.'

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